Friday, June 07
Vevey, Switzerland
Second Political Deep Dive (Vevey): How Do We Make Sense of the Polls?
(This event cancelled. Watch for online session mid-June.)
Dems Abroad's Swiss Romande Chapter will host our second deep-dive Political Forum, two sessions on June 6 in Geneva and June 7 in Vevey. After October's The Republicans' unshakable bond with Trump, this month's hot topic will be: How do we makes sense of the polls? The Media headline them, commentators parse and analyze them, campaigns celebrate or dismiss them. So, who do we believe? With the 2024 election year in full swing, we would all love to know how to read the polls.
These will be two in-person events: At the AIWC in Eaux-Vives, Geneva on Thursday June 6, then at Proactif in Vevey the next evening. Moderator Bob Piller will give a presentation on the topic, then open it up for discussion. As a participatory event, we recommend that attendees come ready to give their views on the topic. Suggest: Look over recent polls, check polling-analysis sites like and, and refresh memories on accuracy or otherwise of polling in previous election years.
The program should run about 2 hours. Refreshments will be provided.
Friday, June 07, 2024 at 06:00 PM Bern Time
Proactif Vevey
Rue des Moulins 5
Vevey 1800
Google map and directions
Bob Piller
[email protected]