Monday, December 27


The Fight for Four Freedoms: What Made FDR and the Greatest Generation Truly Great by Harvey Kaye -- Monthly Mondays for Your Progressive Minds (formerly proDA Book Club)

unnamed-20.pngAll are welcome to attend. Join us!     

“An inspiring call to redeem the progressive legacy of the greatest generation, now under threat as never before.

On January 6, 1941, the Greatest Generation gave voice to its founding principles, the Four Freedoms: Freedom from want and from fear. Freedom of speech and religion. In the name of the Four Freedoms they fought the Great Depression. In the name of the Four Freedoms they defeated the Axis powers.

In the process they made the United States the richest and most powerful country on Earth. And, despite a powerful, reactionary opposition, the men and women of the Greatest Generation made America freer, more equal, and more democratic than ever before.

Now, when all they fought for is under siege, we need to remember their full achievement, and, so armed, take up again the fight for the Four Freedoms”.

If you have access, affordability, etc. problems for a book/books, please contact [email protected] and we may be able to help you with the listed books. Learn more about the proDA Monthly Monday for Your Progressive Minds (formerly proDA Book Club).

Vancouver 9-10:30 am
Toronto 12-1:30 pm
Brazil 2-3:30 pm
London 5-6:30 pm
Berlin 6-7:30 pm
Nairobi/Athens 7-8:30 pm
Dubai 9-10:30 pm
Mumbai 10:30-11 pm

Please review proDA’s Book Club Guidelines so you know what to expect and how to prepare. 

Contact: Bruce Murray, [email protected]


Monday, December 27, 2021 at 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Time


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If you are already a member of Democrats Abroad, please enter your name and email address that you have on your membership record.

28 RSVPs