∙ Work within the DA structure and its rules;
∙ Report to the DA International Chair and/or the Democratic Party Committee Abroad (DPCA) Executive Committee at regular intervals; seek and follow guidance from the International Chair and the International Chair's designees prior to making public comments, posting statements on a website or social media, or engaging in projects such as GOTV, guest speakers, or events coordinated with local groups of Democrats Abroad.
∙ Coordinate with other DA caucuses and councils;
∙ Encourage our members, especially those who are veterans, to run for DA leadership positions including, but not limited to, delegates to the Democratic National Convention and country committee leadership roles;
∙ Provide assistance to country committees and local chapters interested in creating a VMF Caucus and support for their caucus activities;
∙ Communicate with members and conduct meetings on a regular basis (at least quarterly);
∙ Work with the DA IT team to create and maintain a dedicated VMF web page on the DA website;
∙ Utilize social media;
∙ Urge its membership and all U.S. citizens abroad to vote in all U.S.-based elections and primaries when eligible to do so; and
∙ From time to time, review and update the VMF Caucus’ Terms of Reference for submission to the DPCA Executive Committee for approval;