A reminder to to our Democrats Abroad (DA) UAE membership:
2020 is an absolutely critical year for all Americans! We will of course have our Presidential (and Senate/House) elections in November—in what likely will be the most consequential and important election in our lifetimes. Please do your part through two actions you can take NOW:
Registering to vote: Make sure you're all set to vote in November by requesting your ballot today! Go to votefromabroad.org to get started (Americans abroad must request our ballots every calendar year we wish to vote in). There are close to 8 million US citizens living abroad, but only a fraction of our fellow Americans will actually vote. We can be the margin of victory in the upcoming election, if we can get to work and register our fellow expatriates! It will take you <10 min to do it. Please email us if you have any trouble ([email protected]).
Joining Democrats Abroad: Tell your American friends living abroad to join Democrats Abroad! Americans in the UAE can join the DA UAE country committee, but Americans in any country around the world can still join even if they don’t have a DA country committee. Joining Democrats Abroad will help ensure your friends have the information they need to be able to vote. Just tell them to go to https://www.democratsabroad.org/join to join.
DA-UAE looks forward to working with you all to take back our country this year. Any questions or if you would like to get more involved, please reach out via email to [email protected].
Thank you!
Ridah Sabouni
Democrats Abroad, UAE Chapter Chair
Click to register to vote from abroad!