Wednesday, August 21

Berlin, Germany

August Political Pub Night

Meet fellow Democrats abroad to discuss political developments back in the States and 2024 Get Out the Vote activities. 

**If you are interested in learning about volunteer opportunities, come early at 6:30 pm to speak with Amanda, our volunteer coordinator, before the pub night officially starts at 7:00 pm. Volunteer questions can be sent to Amanda at [email protected].

Please RSVP so we can make sure to secure enough tables for everyone. The event is free to join, however you are responsible for paying any food and drink you order.
FYI, our political pub night is held every third Wednesday of the month. Events always posted online here and in the Democrats Abroad Berlin newsletter.


Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 06:30 PM Berlin Time


Prater Biergarten
Kastanienallee 7-9
Berlin 10435
Google map and directions


Sarah Durante
[email protected]

Will you come?

Please enter only ONE person's name and contact details here.
If you are already a member of Democrats Abroad, please enter your name and email address that you have on your membership record.

28 RSVPs