May 31, 2018

We need your help - seeking volunteers for PRIDE Festival and Parade

It’s Pride Month and we’re looking for volunteers during the PRIDE Festival!

When you wake up on November 7th do you want to see a change to Washington? Now is not the time for complacency!

We are in the midst of Primaries as the 2018 mid-term elections rapidly approach. With summer almost upon us now is the critical time to connect with Americans living in the Toronto area to encourage them to register for their ballot or to educate people on why we, as Americans living abroad, need to exercise our constitutional right to vote – FATCA. FBAR and the latest tax bill are all actions making it more difficult as an American living abroad. Democrats Abroad has made the numerical difference in victory in several recent special elections and the Democratic Party is looking to our diaspora to deliver the numbers to take the House and/or Senate.

As 2016 taught us, complacency will doom Democrats in races across the country – we must get as many Americans living in Canada to register and exercise their right to cast a ballot in the election. Our history of delivering the numerical difference for victory by Democrats in close races cannot be understated.

Democrats Abroad – Toronto will have a booth at the Street Festival on Sat. June 22nd and Sun. June 23rd. Additionally we’ll be marching in the PRIDE Parade (Sun. June 23rd 12pm-4pm) and are looking to make a respectable showing with a large number of walkers. As an aside, walking in the parade is FAR more fun than standing on the sidelines.

We’re looking for members who would like to volunteer at the Democrats Abroad Toronto booth at Pride 2018.

The Pride 2018 streetfair will be held on June 22nd & June 23rd

If you are interested please click here to send us your information.

Watch your email or this web page for further announcements of plans for PRIDE Week. If you have friends who would like to support the efforts for change in the mid-terms share the registration link with them. Volunteers don’t have to be American so if you have friends who want to help or walk in the parade with you please share the registration link with them so we know how many people can help out.

If you happen to see our booth at a festival this summer be sure to stop by and say hello!

Best regards,

Steve Nardi
Chair, Democrats Abroad Canada
