Volunteer to support the DA Germany Events and Fundraising Coordinator!
Overall Responsibilities
- Assist Events & Fundraising coordinator (EFC) with variety of tasks necessary to accomplish DAG’s fundraising goals and tasks related to Germany-wide events
- Minimal meetings necessary; many tasks can be completed on your own time/schedule and communication regarding tasks is easily possible via email, for example
- May need to fill in for an occasional meeting when EFC is unavailable
Tasks Specific to the Swag Shop and Merchandise Volunteer
Assist with design and ordering of merchandise and merchandise pushes
- Support in the creation of new merchandise designs/ideas
- Design and prepare graphics and content for advertising merchandise
- Oversee and upkeep Formsite and Google spreadsheets
Communicate and work with other merchandise volunteers to fulfill orders as necessary
- May require responding to emails from customers, etc.
- Work with DA Global to fulfill global orders and merchandise campaigns
Time commitment: 1-2 hours maximum per week (at high times)
Interested or have questions? Contact Courtney Newman, Events and Fundraising Coordinator, [email protected]