DPCA Voting Rep
Sasha Arrington
DAG DPCA Voting Representative Candidate
Gender (F)
My name is Sasha Arrington. I vote in California and live in the greater Stuttgart area. I was born and raised a military brat, giving me the opportunity to live in many different places. This opened my eyes to other cultures and perspectives. Some of the things I feel passionate about were passed on to me by my grandparents. They helped POC learn to read and write in the early 20th century, in order to pass “literacy tests“ at the polling stations. Today, 100 years later, Americans are still facing hurtles to vote. One of my goals as your DPCA Voting Representative and Stuttgart Chair is to continue the DAG effort in helping as many people as possible in the voting process. I enjoyed the phone calls, zoom chats and personal meetings with hundreds of people whom I was able to assist during the presidential election cycle and Senate runoffs. In addition to our GOTV effort, I am also passionate about racial justice and health care for all. As your representative I will fight for a better future for our children. The voices of Americans need to be heard! Due to COVID all DA meetings and activities have been held online, which has enabled me to work closely with colleagues not just from other chapters, but from other countries as well. Thus we have a rich pool of people, backgrounds, talents and experience to fall back on. I would be happy for your vote and look forward to what lies ahead!
Posted by Nancy Schimkat
February 27, 2021DPCA Representative, Germany
Vincienzo Cabrera
DAG DPCA Voting Representative Candidate
Gender: (M)
My name is Vinnie Cabrera. I’m a New Jersey voter, and I’m running to become one of the DPCA Voting Representatives for Germany. I’ve lived in Germany for four years, having moved to Hamburg two weeks after Trump’s inauguration. As an immigrant and naturalized US citizen, a person of color, and a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I wanted to do all I could to help stop the destructive policies that were hurting everyday people and disproportionately affecting vulnerable communities. That’s why one of the first things I did when I got here was join Democrats Abroad.
I started out as an active member of the Hamburg chapter, volunteering and helping to organize local events, and in 2019, I was elected as Chapter Chair. I’m proud of the work our volunteers and I have done to grow our membership, get out the vote in Northern Germany, and help take back the White House. In addition to working within my chapter, I’ve worked with other leaders on various projects as part of the DAG Executive Committee. For example, I’m a graphic designer by profession, and I was able to use my skills to design the postal mailers that went out to every member of DA Germany in 2020, advertising our Global Presidential Primary and mobilizing our members to submit their ballots on time. And at the end of last year, I was nominated and elected to the Chapter Nominations and Elections Committee (CNEC), helping to run the elections of Germany’s 14 chapters, providing guidance, and answering questions from potential candidates for chapter leadership.
Should I be elected as a Voting Rep, I will work to continue the success of our organization. It would be an honor to serve in this role, and I would very much appreciate your vote. Thank you.
Posted by Nancy Schimkat
February 19, 2021DPCA Representative, Germany
Constance Chucholowski
DAG DPCA Voting Representative Candidate
Gender (F)
Hi Fellow Democrats Abroad Germany Members! I’m Constance. I'm running to become a DPCA voting representative for our Germany Chapter. I’ve been a member of DA since I moved to Germany in 2014. I’ve been a staunch Democrat and supported political campaigns in a policy and organizing capacity at home and from abroad for much longer. Last month, I was elected Chair of the DA Berlin Chapter. With a fantastic team and the 5000+ strong membership in Berlin, I look forward to creating more touch-points to our DA in Berlin and increasing our membership’s engagement in DA and DA Berlin activities. Previously, I acted as a Kiez Captain, working with a small team of DA volunteers to reach as many voters for registration and voter support as possible through locally organized GOTV events and organizing phone-banking events to kick-start voter registration at the start of 2020. I have a passion for organizing and am convinced that empowering and educating voters is the key to ensuring progressive policy changes in the United States. I have a strong understanding of and dedicated experience in policymaking and political strategy and campaigning both in Germany and back home. I would like to apply this knowledge to further increase DA Germany’s visibility and participation in policy-shaping at the DA international level. As a DPCA voting representative, I would like to represent our largest DA Germany Chapter’s voice at the international level and support our national chapter in transporting the strong ideas developed by our local and national chapters to DA as a whole. I would be honored to represent Democrats Abroad Germany as a DPCA voting representative and would appreciate your vote. Thank you for your consideration! Please reach out if you have any questions: [email protected]
Endorsement of Constance Chucholowski by Emily Lines
Endorsement of Constance Chucholowski by Neveille Quaide WilliamsPosted by Nancy Schimkat
February 19, 2021DPCA Representative, Germany
Aileen Dinin
DAG DPCA Voting Representative Candidate
Gender (F)
Hi all! I am Aileen Dinin, the newly re-elected Düsseldorf-Ruhr chapter chair, and I am running for DPCA Voting Representative. I became the Ruhr precinct captain in the former NRW Chapter in 2017. When the NRW Chapter was split up, I was then promoted to chapter chair of the new Düsseldorf-Ruhr chapter in 2018 and elected in our first Chapter Annual General Meeting in 2019. I’ve worn many hats in our chapter as we built it, and so I have experience as a press surrogate, get out the vote coordinator and local event organizer.
Since forming the Düsseldorf-Ruhr chapter, we have roughly doubled our membership to our current total of 684 members. We had three Global Presidential Primary sites in 2020, allowing 92 members to vote in person. The incredible Global Presidential Primary turnout that we had here overall in Germany also gave me the opportunity to be an elector and help choose our Democrats Abroad delegates for the 2020 Democratic National Convention.
In the run-up to the November election I was proud to represent Democrats Abroad in our local and regional media. I was involved in planning and execution of our Democrats Abroad Germany election Zoom marathon, waking up early on November 4th to watch the election returns come in with Democrats Abroad members across Germany. I also helped plan and execute online events in response to the Capitol Riots on Jan 6.
On a personal level, I have lived in Essen since 2015 with my husband (also a Dems Abroad member). I grew up in New York, but vote in Texas. In my day job, I am a project manager at Aldi Nord, where I use my online meeting skills honed at Democrats Abroad to manage online trainings.
Posted by Nancy Schimkat
February 19, 2021DPCA Representative, Germany
Angela Fobbs
DAG DPCA Voting Representative Candidate
Gender: (F)
In 2016, I learned about DA from a Facebook ad and joined. After Trump’s election, I became active in my Wiesbaden-Mainz Chapter and subsequently DA Germany then Global. I am honored that my endeavors were recognized by the 2020 Power List: Black Women in Europe™ blog and 2017 DAG Volunteer of the Year. Having served two terms as Germany Communications Coordinator I reached the term limit and want to continue serving as a DPCA Representative.
I am honored to be associated with so many smart, dedicated people that inspire me to work harder, be better and contribute to Democratic success; we won the presidency, have a Democratic majority in congress and I am proud of my contribution.
Leadership and Elected Positions
- Elected DAG Communications Coordinator in 2017 and 2019
- Appointed Global Black Caucus (GBC) Chair since October 2017
- Global Women's Caucus steering committee since October 2017 and the Global Communications Team (2017-2018)
- Elected Sanders Presidential Preference Group (PPG) chair and DPCA Rep in 2020
- Appointed to the Diversity and Inclusion Action Committee in 2020
Organization Building
- In 2017 gathered a formation committee, we created a charter and the GBC was born! • Encourage and work with countries to start country committees
- Helped launch the Mannheim Precinct and traveled there, as well as Braunschweig for their first Precinct meeting GOTV; promote DA and provided information on voting, candidates, and issues
- GOTV stands and public speeches to US overseas organizations
- Hosted events on multiple digital platforms
Participation and support
- Tokyo and Washington Global, Madrid and Athens EMEA, and DAG annual meetings since 2017 (except 2018 when ill)
- Participated in Germany pride events
- Zoom expert providing team assistance
Your vote will enable me to continue contributing to Democratic success in 2022 and 2024; learn more at angelafobbs.rocks
Endorsement of Angela Fobbs by Adrianne George
Endorsement of Angela Fobbs by Vivienne Hayes-Hobelsberger
Endorsement of Angela Fobbs by Teresa RitterhoffPosted by Nancy Schimkat
February 19, 2021DPCA Representative, Germany
Antar Rashiq Keith
DAG DPCA Voting Representative Candidate
Gender (M)
Born to a working-class family in the Bronx, New York, I gained firsthand knowledge of political disenfranchisement in America. This consciousness was molded by a family with strong ties to human-rights advocacy. My mother was a social worker in Sing Sing prison, providing counseling to the incarcerated. My father, William “Bill” Keith, was a poet, teacher, Civil-Rights activist, and ally of Malcolm X, as well as a Black Arts Movement avant-garde artist. He was also a two-time victim of predatory policing and mass incarceration. Their story inspired a keen understanding that those with the greatest proximity to pain should be closest to power.
DPCA Voting Representatives require not only knowledge of how highly-motivated voters operate, but how quickly historically disenfranchised and politically unengaged Americans can slide into disillusionment. With ever-closer margins for Democratic gains within minority groups, communicating the needs of active voters, potential voters, and voters-of-color has never been more vital.
As the Vice Chair of DA Saxony, I helped coordinate and run GOTV drives throughout eastern Germany and participated in various phone-banking operations. I ran as a DNC member in 2020. After George Floyd’s slaughter, I was a keynote speaker in one of the largest BLM protests in Germany. I held talks on U.S. Reparations for the Global Black Caucus and various DAG chapters. Furthermore, I regularly lead chapter discussions on current events and how they affect Americans abroad. Finally, I have co-chaired talks on DA, U.S. electoral politics, and street-level activism to various educational and cultural institutions.
My vision going forward is to encourage greater inclusion by ensuring DA is more representative of its constituents. This is essential not only for solidifying Democratic gains in the 2022 midterm elections, but also for creating a more robust position to advocate for the needs of DAG’s voters globally.
Endorsement of Antar Keith by Kaitlyn Kennedy
Endorsement of Antar Keith by Neveille Quaide Williams
Endorsement of Antar Keith by Dr. Kenton E. BarnesPosted by Nancy Schimkat
February 19, 2021DPCA Representative, Germany
Candice Kerestan
DAG DPCA Voting Representative Candidate
Gender: (F)
The Democrats Abroad (DA) Germany DPCA Voting Representative position demands not only a thorough understanding of the goals and workings of DA Germany, but also a willingness to advocate on our country’s behalf. In this position, it’s critical to have an appetite to learn, exchange, and negotiate with a larger, global DA audience – all while bearing in mind the wants and needs within our own borders. Only then can we leverage our power to effect desired change within DA and the Democratic Party. As the outgoing DA Germany Chair, it has been my honor to lead our DPCA Voting Representative delegation for the past two years and do just this. Under my leadership, we were able to pass progressive resolutions, elect a Democratic National Committee member from Germany, and send three dynamic Sanders delegates to the 2020 Democratic National Convention – the most of any country. Our success on the global stage has come from a shared commitment to work, listen, and, most importantly, unite. If we’re going to win in 2022 and beyond, our Party needs this vision and cohesive approach taken by DA Germany during my tenure. For this reason, I have decided to seek election as DA International Chair at the DA Global Meeting in May 2021. The first step to elevating our approach globally starts with our DPCA Voting Representatives, as they’re responsible for electing DA International Officers. This is why I am asking for your vote today as DPCA Voting Representative, and subsequently your support in my bid for DA International Chair. I am grateful for your consideration, and I look forward to continuing our work together. A full list of past and present DA Germany leaders, as well as DPCA Voting Representative candidates who support my candidacy can be found here.
Posted by Nancy Schimkat
February 19, 2021DPCA Representative, Germany
Pat Klipp
DAG DPCA Voting Representative Candidate
Gender (F)
I’m a singer and entertainer, hailing from Alabama and living in Frankfurt since 1986. In 2008, after touring Europe for many years, I decided to get more actively involved with the Frankfurt Chapter and began volunteering more of my time. I went to work and quickly became an active, dedicated member. In 2010 I was appointed Vice Chair of the Frankfurt Chapter by Chapter Chair Karsten Hirsch, and in 2011 I became Acting Chair when Karsten had to resign. I was elected to my first term as Frankfurt Chapter Chair in 2014. During my tenure as Frankfurt Chapter Chair, my team worked hard to increase fundraising and membership numbers. We used that extra money for GOTV booths at: Frankfurt Main Uferfest, Romerburg Frankfurt, 3 CSD “Pride” events, the American Consulate, as well as at 4 New Comers Festivals. I also led the chapter in a new phonebanking push, and organized our participation in the women’s march in Frankfurt, where I spoke and sang at the event. I also arranged and led a march ‘On Bended Knee’ to support Colin Kaepernick. My work for DA was not restricted to the local level. In 2015, at a time when the issue was not receiving any attention, I wrote a resolution about ongoing police brutality against African Americans titled “RESOLUTION FOR JUSTICE AND LAW ENFORCEMENT” which was adopted at the DA Global Meeting – unanimously. At the 2016 DA Global Convention in Berlin I was an elector who helped choose DA’s delegates to the DNC National Convention and our DNC members to represent DA in DC. My dedication to and support for the Democratic Party is a part of my beliefs – it’s in my bones – and I humbly ask for your vote to be one of DAG’s DPCA Voting Representatives.
Endorsement of Pat Klipp by Donald Ridgeway
Endorsement of Pat Klipp by Martin Washington
Endorsement of Pat Klipp by Quaide WilliamsPosted by Nancy Schimkat
February 19, 2021DPCA Representative, Germany
Matt LeMieux
DAG DPCA Voting Representative Candidate
Gender: (M)
For the past five years, I have been an active member of DA Germany at both the local and national level. Locally, my involvement began when I co-founded the Münster precinct, which at its inception was part of the NRW chapter. The precinct eventually was elevated to a chapter, and I was selected by our new local group to be its first chair. This has led to my increased involvement at the national DAG level, primarily as a member of the DAG Executive Committee and an active organizer of local DAG phonebanking campaigns. During this past election cycle, I also became indirectly active at the international level when I was asked to join the VoteFromAbroad Voter Help Desk. This allowed me to interact with and assist hundreds of Americans worldwide with their ballot requests. I am not sure whether these experiences make me somehow uniquely qualified to represent DAG at the international level, but I am sure that they will allow me to cast informed votes that are in the best interest of all DAG levels and Democrats Abroad in general.
DAG Chapter Development Coordinator Candidate
Five years ago, I helped establish the Münster precinct, which a few years later blossomed into the Münster/Osnabrück chapter. I have served as both a precinct captain and chapter chair, and in these roles I helped cultivate a core group of committed volunteers. In running for this position, my main objective is to organize a support structure our local leaders can use to successfully meet the challenges and demands that come with being active in a volunteer organization. To quickly integrate our new leaders into our ever growing DA family, I will establish a mentoring program where they are paired with an experienced leader in a similarly sized chapter or precinct. In addition to facilitating communication between chapters and precincts, I will actively identify effective chapter/precinct level practices and successful event ideas, and then repackage these into something that can be easily implemented in other chapters/precincts. To this end, I will create a clearinghouse of ready to go event/meeting ideas, as well as best practices. Finally, as the Chapter Development person I will take it upon myself to pinpoint and, with help of our ExecComm team, fulfill leadership training needs. My experience of being a new leader at both the precinct and chapter level has given me ample time to consider ideas about what local leaders need to assist them with their already challenging and often demanding tasks. I now would enjoy having the opportunity to put some of those ideas into practice.
Posted by Nancy Schimkat
February 19, 2021DPCA Representative, Germany
Anya Leonhard
DAG Press Coordinator Candidate
Hi everyone! I’m Anya. I have lived in Leipzig since 2016 and have been active in Democrats Abroad since the founding of what is now DA Saxony in 2019. I am Press Coordinator for our chapter, a Steering Committee member of the Asian-American Pacific Islander Caucus, and was a pledged delegate to Senator Sanders at the Democratic National Convention. Through my roles as Saxony Press Coordinator and delegate, I have represented Democrats Abroad in print, radio, and television formats, and have cultivated relationships with several German reporters and editors. During the election, I supported our national press team by writing and translating talking points for various media appearances. As Press Coordinator, I will create a team to represent our diversity, and support our chapters and caucuses in finding and preparing representatives. I also plan to collaborate with other working groups to figure out an effective strategy for drawing attention to our activities, as well as to continue archiving our press work. My experiences in the AAPI Caucus and as a delegate have prepared me to work with a team. As part of the Young Delegates Coalition, I initiated a proposal to the Unity Reform Committee, leading to the inclusion of young delegates’ priorities in the Unity Reform report. In addition to these experiences, I also led social justice initiatives in Leipzig, and currently co-lead the BIPoC University Group. In all of these endeavors, I strive to be goal-oriented, while still engaging in healthy self-reflection. I hope to bring these experiences to the role of Press Coordinator. If you have any questions or would just like to chat, don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected]. If you would like to learn more about me or view press appearances, please visit my blog at anyaatthednc.wordpress.com. Thank you!
Endorsement of Anya Leonhard by Beverly Seebach
Endorsement of Anya Leonhard by Aileen DininDPCA Voting Representative Candidate
Gender (F)
Hi everyone! I’m Anya. I grew up in Chicago and New Orleans and have lived in Leipzig since 2016. I am Press Coordinator of DA Saxony, a Steering Committee member of the Asian-American Pacific Islander Caucus, and was a pledged Global delegate to Senator Sanders at the Democratic National Convention. I am running for the DPCA because I believe my positions in the AAPI Caucus and as a delegate have provided me with a strong foundation to be able to advocate for Democrats Abroad Germany at an international level. I spoke with people all over the world on our delegation calls and during AAPI Caucus meetings, joined forces with other states to push for a more progressive party, and contributed language to the 2020 Platform with the help of the Young Delegates Coalition. These experiences showed me the importance of effective messaging, clear goals, and networking through coalition-building, which are vital skills in the position of DPCA Representative. I am very proud of the work I have done with Democrats Abroad Germany. We have created a diverse team of leadership and volunteers, with lively discussions and innovative outreach in our communities. I have been welcomed with open arms by country committee leadership, allowing me to engage with my political and American identity as never before. I believe it is important to showcase Democrats Abroad Germany’s culture of progressivism and passion to the international organization, and would be honored to do so through this position. If you have any questions or would just like to chat, don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected]. If you would like to learn more about me and my experience, feel free to visit my blog at anyaatthednc.wordpress.com. Thank you for your consideration!
Endorsement of Anya Leonhard by Diego Rivas
Endorsement of Anya Leonhard by Powen Shiah
Endorsement of Anya Leonhard by Cory LemkePosted by Nancy Schimkat
February 19, 2021DPCA Representative, Germany