Pages tagged “MX”
In the News - Democrats Abroad Mexico commentary on the impeachment process and US-Mexico relations
In this post, you can hear CDMX chairperson Gricha Raether (far right) participate in a debate on US-Mexico relations and comment on the latest on the impeachment process.
+January 26, 2020
Mexico City
DA Mexico City is a chapter of Democrats Abroad Mexico, the official country committee of U.S. Democrats living in Mexico. Our activities include voter registration assistance and education, member meet-Ups to discuss political issues and varying topics each month, lectures, debates and panel discussions, film screenings, parties and special events
San Miguel de Allende
DA SMA is a chapter of Democrats Abroad Mexico, the official country committee of U.S. Democrats living in Mexico. Our activities include voter registration assistance and education, member meet-Ups to discuss political issues and varying topics each month, lectures, debates and panel discussions, film screenings, parties and special events
Costa Banderas
DA Costa Banderas is a chapter of Democrats Abroad Mexico, the official country committee of U.S. Democrats living in Mexico. Our activities include voter registration assistance and education, member meet-Ups to discuss political issues and varying topics each month, lectures, debates and panel discussions, film screenings, parties and special events
Lake Chapala
DA Lake Chapala is a chapter of Democrats Abroad Mexico, the official country committee of U.S. Democrats living in Mexico. Our activities include voter registration assistance and education, member meet-Ups to discuss political issues and varying topics each month, lectures, debates and panel discussions, film screenings, parties and special events