Pages tagged “press”
Emily Lines on Phoenix Runde
Democrats Abroad Germany's Fundraising And Event Coordinator and Berlin Vice Chair, Emily Lines, on the political talk show Phoenix Runde on 18 December 2019. She talks about impeachment with Prof. Boris Vormann, USA-Experte Bard College Berlin, Benjamin Wolfmeier, Republicans Overseas Germany, and Sudha David Wilp, German Marshall Fund of the United States.
Posted by Angela Fobbs
December 19, 2019DA Global Communications Director, Global Womens Caucus Steering Team; Germany DPCA Voting Rep; Germany Advertising Coordinator; Wiesbaden-Mainz Region Chapter Chair
Democrats Abroad is the official Democratic Party arm for the millions of Americans living outside the United States. Democrats Abroad strives to provide citizens living abroad with a voice in government and elect Democratic candidates by mobilizing the overseas vote.
Democrats Abroad Germany Introduces Newly Elected Executive Committee
For immediate release
March 6, 2019
Democrats Abroad Germany Introduces Newly Elected Executive Committee
Heidelberg - Democrats Abroad Germany, the official arm of the Democratic Party in Germany, elected its new Executive Committee at their Annual General Meeting held on February 23, 2019, in Heidelberg. Incoming leaders, who will serve in their respective positions until 2021, are responsible for upholding and supporting the work of the Democratic Party Committee Abroad in Germany.
DA Germany announces the following newly elected leaders:
Chair – Candice Kerestan Vice Chair – Kenton Barnes Treasurer – Ronald Schlundt Secretary – Andrea Schwab At-Large Positions:
Chapter Development Coordinator – Quaide Williams
Communications Coordinator – Angela Fobbs Events & Fundraising Coordinator – Emily Lines Get Out The Vote (GOTV) Coordinator – Claudia Clark IT Coordinator – Susan Penrod Media Contact – Beverly Seebach As American politics has come to the forefront of global concern with the Trump administration, DA Germany aims to be the point of contact for Americans living in Germany and help actively connect them with government and civic engagement back home.
“Following the general election in 2016, we witnessed an outpouring of concern and activity from Americans living in Germany,” noted Candice Kerestan, Chair of DA Germany. “While this momentum to make a change was reflected in the recent midterm elections – where Democrats regained the House, flipped seven governors’ mansions, and picked up hundreds of state legislative seats nationwide – we must continue building upon this to take back the White House in 2020. Moving forward, the newly elected Executive Committee is determined to keep improving outreach to Americans, provide even greater opportunities for our members to learn about and engage with US politics, and make our voices heard while living in Germany.”
The elections are one facet of an ongoing program of activities for DA Germany. For more information please visit our website at
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Posted by Beverly Seebach
March 06, 2019Wiesbaden-Mainz Region Chapter Events Coordinator
Excitement Spreads as Democrats Abroad Germany Picks New Executive Committee
For Immediate Release
Date: April 5, 2017
News desks
Excitement Spreads as Democrats Abroad Germany Picks New Executive Committee
Democrats gathered in Berlin to talk politics and plan for the Congressional races in 2018
Berlin- Things were looking up for Democrats living abroad in Germany over the weekend as 130 attendees from all over the country, as well as guests from the UK, the Netherlands, Spain, Czech Republic, and France, gathered for the 2017 Annual General Meeting. In attendance were ten chapters and 15 precincts, and 9 remote viewing/voting centers were set-up for those that could not attend in person.
The agenda for the meeting was set and the participants quickly began to talk about the current political situation at hand, and what everyone could do to make sure that there would be Democratic victory in 2018.
Interactive workshops took place where members were given the opportunity to share their ideas on sustaining a volunteer organization. The participants gave their input on what issues they cared about, what resources they needed to meet their goals and guidance for finding allies. This was an empowering moment for many who wanted to shape the direction of Democrats Abroad Germany as they voiced their concerns over the Trump Administration’s current actions.
After the workshop sessions, the election process to select the new Executive Committee (national leadership) began. Members from all backgrounds, experiences and ideas, but with the same goal in mind, took center stage as they gave their speeches underling the issue that Democrats needed to face, and which approaches will help insure a victory in 2018. At the end, a momentous moment for DAG arose as over 2/3 of women and 1/4 of young Democrats were elected to the Executive Committee. One
Posted by Aloka Barthel
April 05, 2017