Fighting for the Right to Follow our Dreams!
As a young college student, I had two passions: politics and music. While I was trying to decide whether to follow in the footsteps of my beloved uncle who travelled ...
Wait... you mean this is a fight my Great Grandparents started?
Wow, can you believe it's been like 78 years and we STILL don't have the Equal Rights Amendment? How is guaranteeing equal legal rights for all American citizens regardless of ...
Too Long to Wait
In high school, during the late '70s, I wrote a research paper on the ERA giving the pros and cons of its ratification. At that time, it did not occur ...
It is about time! We need ERA now!
I went to all girls college for my Master’s degree in 2012. I did not understand why there were still all girls colleges! But my time in the college taught ...
Language Matters
I think I was always a feminist. As a child I grew up in a conservative Italian Catholic home in New Jersey, and my parents were active in local politics. ...
"With liberty and justice for all"
Because I have worked in schools most of my life, I have heard that phrase in the Pledge of Allegiance almost every day. Each time I have thought about the ...
Take your feet off my neck
I am a NJ voter living overseas in Israel. I have been fighting for the ERA since I was a child with my mom in the 1960s and 1970s. I ...
Scientists: Can't live with them, can't live without them
My job as a research scientist studying earthquakes and volcanoes occasionally took me to Washington, DC. I took advantage of a couple of these trips to take my kids to ...
High Time for Equality! Half of all Americans has been waiting for centuries!!
I was shocked to read that men of any race were constitutionally given the vote over 50 years before women of any race could hope to exercise this fundamental democratic ...
Can't believe I am going to be 60 and the ERA has yet to be passed.
Yes, it's true, 60 is just around the corner for me and I remember, like others who grew up in the 70s, all the talk of the ERA. Frankly, it's ...