Thank you Mr. President!

The Hispanic Caucus of Democrats Abroad (DAHC) has thanked President Biden for keeping his campaign promise and acting swiftly in issuing an executive order to reinstate and fortify the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. 

President Joseph Biden

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20500

Re: Appreciation and gratitude

February  25, 2021

Dear Mr.  President,

The Hispanic Caucus of Democrats Abroad, the Democratic state party that represents the 9 million Americans living outside the United States, would like to sincerely thank you for keeping your campaign promise and acting swiftly in issuing an executive order to reinstate and fortify the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This is a major relief for the thousands of “Dreamers” and their families who live in constant uncertainty and fear of deportation. And while this may give undocumented immigrants a respite, we hope that with your leadership and our chorus of voices Congress will soon pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation.

Addressing this issue is a top legislative priority for us and we stand fully committed to work with our members and our Democratic colleagues in finally moving forward on a strong, compassionate, and fair immigration system. As the primary voice for the U.S. Hispanic community living abroad, we advocate for and encourage reforms like the bipartisan Dream Act, S. 264, to finally allow Dreamers and temporary protected status (TPS) individuals to not fear coming out of the shadows and being fully welcomed into society as Americans.  One of our incredible volunteers, a former DACA individual now living in Germany, states: 

“I want to thank President Biden for providing my fellow Childhood Arrivals with the security we have so badly needed the past four years. I want to encourage   the new Administration to keep our well-being and that of other minorities at heart, and to make the much needed changes to give security to the Childhood Arrivals that remain trapped in for-profit detention centers as well as TPS recipients currently in limbo. 

It is essential that we recognize each other's humanity - immigrant, asylum seeker, refugee, and U.S. citizen alike - and bolster the voices of those of us who have lived in the shadows. The path to equality is filled with difficult challenges that I know President Biden is willing to confront.  I thank you for this important step, and promise to urge for American voices to fight alongside those who have yet to be heard.”

Again, Democrats Abroad Hispanic Caucus greatly thanks you for taking action on Day One. We will continue to advocate for legislative change to protect the most vulnerable among us and to redouble our efforts to elect Democrats across the U.S.

Truly yours,


Democrats Abroad Hispanic Caucus Steering Committee 

Julia Bryan (Global Chair), NC voter, Czech Republic Resident

Amerika Garcia Grewal (Chair of the Caucus), TX voter, Fiji Resident

Jose Miguel Madrigal  (Vice Chair of the Caucus), OH voter, Costa Rica Resident

Onélica Andrade, CA voter, Belgium Resident

Nelleke A. Bruyn, CO voter, Costa Rica Resident

Gil Carbajal, CA voter, Spain Resident

Carlos Colao, FL voter, Spain Resident

Thorin Engeseth, SC voter, Germany Resident

Melanie García, NY voter, Dominican Republic Resident

Luis Eduardo Jimenez, FL voter, Dominican Republic Resident

Edgar Lopez, NY voter, Mexico Resident

Michael Ramos, IL voter, Australia Resident

Lissette F. Wright, NY voter, Canada Resident 


cc: Cedric Richmond, Director, White House Office of Public Engagement

      Alma Acosta, Executive Director, Congressional Hispanic Caucus