We are so grateful for advocacy work of our volunteers each week, standing together with Democrats Abroad to make a difference through our tiny actions.
We are a party of volunteers, all living abroad, and we are made strong by each other. But volunteers are only one part of what makes DA tick. The other, not so obvious bit, are the tools that we use for phone banking, answering questions, reporting on news, advocating issues you care about, and finding the millions of Americans in the billion people we live among. Those tools and outreach efforts are not free, nor are they paid for by anyone except us.
This week, help us GIVE TO WIN.
Will you ask family and friends to consider supporting the massive efforts of our party of volunteers as we work to get out the vote for 2018? Do they know that any American can donate to DA, whether they’re in the US or anywhere in the world? Do they know that for just $25 they can help us find Americans in your area who may not be voting?
Share our supporter page via email, on social and everywhere else you can to encourage all Americans you know to help support our phone banking, sponsor a webinar, support our efforts pushing for issues we care about, help find potential voters in your area, and more. Sample email below.
Hi [Name]:
Did you know there are nearly 7 million Americans abroad who have the right to vote? Only a small minority vote, which means these may be the largest pockets of eligible Americans who aren’t turning out each November. Democrats Abroad, the official international arm of the Democratic Party, knows that if we can connect with them, their likelihood of voting increases exponentially.
That’s why, just this once, I’m reaching out to see if you’ll help support our efforts.
The Democrats Abroad’s GIVE TO WIN campaign is a big step getting voters around the world to turn out in 2018. Americans everywhere can help support, with donation options as low as $15. Will you visit https://democratsabroad.nationbuilder.com/give_to_win and consider donating?
DA is a small team of volunteers working hard for Americans everywhere, and we’d be grateful for any donation large or small. For me [add something personal here about why the work of DA matters to you]. I hope you can consider supporting.
As always, our aim is to turn tiny actions into big results, so we hope we can continue to count on your help! Without you and all of our volunteers, DA would not be able to help thousands of Americans abroad vote, voter registration stands would go unstaffed, and Americans abroad issues remain unaddressed. Without our volunteers, we would not be an organization. So please know this week’s Tiny Action is only so we can continue to provide the tools our volunteers need.
Do you have suggestions for our next tiny action? Email [email protected] to let us know.