Thursday, February 02

London, United Kingdom

Town Hall: DAUK Leadership Elections 2023

The DAUK Nominations and Elections Committee is kicking off the 2023 DAUK leadership elections process. We need dedicated members like you in our leadership! You can be part of the team that coordinates the many volunteers who help register voters and engage our members to vote in US elections.

Do you want to help lead DAUK? The DAUK Nominations and Elections Committee will be hosting a Zoom Town Hall on January 12 at 7:00 pm GMT, so you can ask questions about becoming a candidate, nominating a member and voting. 

In the Democrats Abroad UK leadership election our members will elect multiple positions, including: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, 8 At-Large Executive Committee Members, 21 DPCA Voting Representatives, 12 DPCA Non-voting Representatives (i.e. alternates) and the DAUK Council. At the Elections Meeting on April 16 DAUK will announce who has been elected.

If you have any questions, or need help nominating a candidate, please email [email protected]


Thursday, February 02, 2023 at 07:00 PM London Time


DAUK Nominations and Elections Committee
[email protected]