Monday, November 04


US Phonebanking and Q&A - Nov 4

We're shifting to calling voters in the US!

We have an exciting opportunity to work with the Harris-Walz campaign and make calls directly into battleground states in the US. These US calls are different than the calling we’ve been doing to DA members, so come to ask your questions and get some training.

Then we'll all go make some calls and check back in for a debrief - and you can come back into the zoom meeting with questions any time during the session. Join us for this excellent opportunity to reach more voters!

For questions: [email protected]

Monday, November 4, at:
1 pm EST, US & Canada
7 pm CET

RSVP to get the Zoom link!


Monday, November 04, 2024 at 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Time


Billy Easton
[email protected]

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41 RSVPs