Call to Action
Contact Your Representatives to co-sponsor HR 82 The Social Security Fairness Act of 2023
Our WEP team needs your help to eliminate WEP. HR.82 has 158 co-sponsors and we need more.
Below you will find an EMAIL and a CALL script to use to contact your House Representative asking them to co-sponsor HR.82.
To contact your Representative, follow these steps:
- Click here and enter the zip code where you last lived in the U.S. It will then display your Representative.
- See: Cosponsors - H.R.82 - 118th Congress (2023-2024): Social Security Fairness Act of 2023 | | Library of Congress for the House to see if your Representative has already co-sponsored the bill.
- Customize the scripts below to email or call (better yet, do both!) to ask them to co-sponsor HR.82.
- Email [email protected] and say “Co-Sponsor DONE" in the subject line to let us know that you contacted your Representative.
- Optional: If they have already co-sponsored, write or call to thank them for their support! See that script below.
Background information is on our WEP FAQ page.