Chapter Board Election for the Natioanl Capital Region -- Nominations Close on June 19, 2019

National Capital Region Chapter of Democrats Abroad Canada
2019-2021 Chapter Board

Please join us for the Chapter AGM and Elections of Democrats Abroad in the National Capital Region [Ottawa/Gatineau]. We need YOU to consider becoming part of our Chapter Executive Committee to WIN in 2020. Join us to elect new Chapter leadership to guide us to a Democratic Presidential election victory!

Click here for more information about the Chapter Board Candidates to be acclaimed if officer positions remain uncontested

Nominations from the floor will be accepted for candidates to stand for election in-person at our Chapter AGM and Elections. Please see job descriptions for Chapter Officers below!

Click here to RSVP for the Annual General Meeting of Democrats Abroad Canada - National Capital Region Chapter and NIGHT ONE - June 26 Debate Viewing in Ottawa.

National Capital Region Chapter AGM & Elections to be held on Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 7:30PM EST. Following the AGM, all those present are welcome to join us to watch the NIGHT ONE of the first Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential election.

On Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 7:30PM EST, please join us again on NIGHT TWO of the first of the first Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential election. Click here for details about the June 27 Debate Viewing!

Location: The Heart & Crown in the Byward Market, in The Black Rose room of The Irish Village, 67 Clarence St, Ottawa, ON K1N 5P5.


Chapter Chair: The Chapter Chair shall be the legal representative of DAC-NCR and the Chief Executive Officer of the Chapter, and shall preside at all General Meetings and all meetings of the Board. The Chapter Chair shall have Membership responsibility for the day-to-day activities of DAC-NCR and for execution of all activities approved and undertaken by the Board. The Chapter Chair may appoint such ad hoc committees as necessary for the execution of the activities of DAC-Chapter. The Chapter Chair shall serve as Media Contact. The Chapter Chair shall be a member of and attend meetings of Democrats Abroad Canada.

Vice-Chair: In the absence of the Chapter Chair, the Vice-Chair shall call and preside at meetings of members and of the Executive Committee. The Vice-Chair shall have such other duties as chairing one or more committees, depending on the Vice-Chair's experience and preferences. The Vice-Chair shall work with the Chair to ensure all responsibilities approved by and on behalf of the organization are supervised and executed appropriately. The Vice-Chair elected shall be a member who is of the opposite gender to the Chair, as per the by-laws of Democrats Abroad and the rules of the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Secretary: The Secretary shall attend and produce minutes for all Board meetings, maintain all files and administrative records of the organization, and maintain a current list of members of DAC-NCR Board.  All of such records shall be open for inspection by members. Minutes of all meetings shall be sent to the Executive Committee once approved by the Chapter Chair and/or Vice-Chair. The Secretary shall schedule and coordinate on-line participation for all Board and Committee meetings.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall manage the finances of the organization, maintain its financial reports to members and make and maintain such financial reports as may be required by law (including without limitation the laws and regulations of the United States and the several States applicable to political parties and contributions to them). All such records shall be open for inspection by members. The Treasurer shall prepare and present to the Annual General Meeting of DAC-NCR a Statement of Income and Expenses based on a fiscal year ending March 31 and a Balance Sheet as of March 31.

Membership Secretary: The Membership Secretary maintains the DAC-NCR membership database by processing new members, responding in a timely manner to member requests for changes, and uses best practices to ensure data integrity, confidentiality, and accuracy. The Membership Secretary works with the Volunteer Coordinator to identify “target groups.” In coordination with the DA IT Manager, the Membership Secretary participates in the annual DA membership verification process. The Membership Secretary provides statistical information to the DAC-NCR Board as required.

Volunteer Coordinator: The Volunteer Coordinator will be responsible for the following: [1] Draft internal membership communications (e.g. monthly newsletters) and coordinate with Chair, and Vice-Chair, [2] Initiate and coordinate trainings for volunteers, [3] Coordinate membership drives, including incentives for becoming a member, [4] Develop a list of “Volunteer Do’s and Don’ts” for Info-stands, Events, etc., [5] Develop recruitment strategies and incentives for volunteers, [6] Work with membership database, identify “target groups” (working with Membership Secretary).

Member at Large/English Media Contact: Members at Large represent the broader membership and bring to the organization special gifts and talents, which complement those of the other elected officials on the Board. The Member at Large/English Media Contact will be responsible for the following: [1] Should demonstrate verifiable experience and/or training in the fields of Media, Press and/or PR, [2] Act as liaison between DAC-NCR and international press officer, [3] Coordinate and work with Member at Large/French Media Contact [4] Maintain national contact database for journalists / press contacts (googledoc), [5] Record and archive all press generated on DAC (TV, radio, print) (in cooperation with other DA Canada media contacts)

Member at Large/French Media Contact: Members at Large represent the broader membership and bring to the organization special gifts and talents, which complement those of the other elected officials on the Board. The Member at Large/English Media Contact will be responsible for the following: [1] Should demonstrate verifiable experience and/or training in the fields of Media, Press and/or PR, [2] Act as liaison between DAC-NCR and international press officer, [3] Coordinate and work with Member at Large/English Media Contact [4] Write and organize translation (by one of our volunteer translators) of relevant press releases & press-release templates (those not provided by int’l. press officer), [5] Maintain national contact database for journalists / press contacts (googledoc), [6] Record and archive all press generated on DAC (TV, radio, print) (in cooperation with other DA Canada media contacts).

At present, DA Canada - National Capital Region Chapter Officers are:
Chapter Chair – David Schellenberg*
Vice-Chair – Lissette Wright
Chapter Treasurer – Andrew Watson
Chapter Secretary – John Klenk*
Chapter Membership Secretary - James Kehoe
[*] Asterisks indicate officers who are in their first term, are eligible to run and will run for reelection!


Democratically Yours,
Lissette Wright, NEC Chair
Larry Rousseau, NEC Teller of Elections
National Capital Region Chapter of Democrats Abroad Canada
Nominations & Elections Committee