January 23, 2021

Candidate Statements for 2021 AGM

Our Chapter nomination period has ended for our Chapter Officers for 2021-2023, and we are very pleased to report that we have had two Chapter members put their names forward to help us continue the Chapter’s important efforts.

As per the Democrats Abroad election process guidelines, we will send out a ballot 15 days prior to our AGM.

Our chapter AGM will be held virtually on February 23rd at 7pm and the next Chapter email will have information on how to RSVP so you can get a link to attend the meeting virtually.

Here are the candidate statements:


Chair-Elizabeth Rohlman

Beth Rohlman was born in Flint, Michigan and raised in Detroit. Her education and career in academia took her to Dayton, Ohio, Charlottesville, Virginia, and Madison, Wisconsin, before she emigrated to Canada in 2008. Her childhood in metro Detroit, in a multi-generational Democratic family, included active involvement in the labour movement, the civil rights movement, and the movement for gender/LGBTQ+ rights. Beth is a historian of religion specializing in South Asia. She moved to Calgary in 2008 to take up a position as a professor at the University of Calgary, where she teaches courses on Hinduism, Sanskrit literature, and the religious history of India. Since 2000, she has voted from abroad--from either India or Canada--for every presidential and midterm election. Serving the Calgary branch of Democrats Abroad would be a great opportunity to give back to the organization that has supported her voting rights from abroad for more than two decades. As chair, her work would, of course, be guided by the will of the membership and board of Democrats Abroad Calgary. Two goals she would encourage the board to work towards would be: (1) to increase in person (pandemic permitting) and social media socializing for DA Calgary members and (2) to expand DA Calgary active membership, including the possible creation of a DA student organization.


Member at Large-Briana Stallcup

I am elated to be putting my name forward to become a member-at-large for the Calgary chapter of Democrats Abroad. What excites me most about this opportunity is the chance to combine my newly found home in Calgary with my passion for the American political system.

As a recent university graduate, I believe I bring a unique perspective and a solid foundation of experience in community groups and social clubs. During my time as a student, I served as a high level executive for several student groups, mainly focusing on operations and finance as well as inter-club collaborations. These clubs included the University of Calgary’s NDP chapter, YYC Global Shapers, Women in Leadership, The Consent Awareness and Sexual Education Club, and Model NATO. Over my five years in these positions, I’ve become comfortable being part of a team, soliciting outside collaborations and fundraising, planning and executing events, as well as organizing and structuring meetings.

In addition to my time with the aforementioned groups, I’ve lived and worked in Calgary for six years now. Much of that time has been spent inserting myself into local and provincial politics via campaigning for elected officials and assisting in get out the vote campaigns. This showcases a strong understanding of and appreciation for the democratic process. I am confident I can successfully transfer any of these skills to the Democrats Abroad Calgary team. I look forward to utilizing my own skills and working collaboratively with other members on the board.