February 11, 2020

January 2020 Meeting Minutes

Minutes of Democrats Abroad Guatemala

Executive Committee meeting on Monday, January 20, 2020 at 12:00 noon at El Sitio Café and via Skype


Members in Attendance: John Chudy, Chair; Mary Lou Ridinger, Vice Chair; Juan Pablo Aris, Counsel; and via Skype Kee Adams Evans, Events Coordinator; Traci Styner, Lake Atitlán Group Chair; Hyungjoon Jin, Member-at-Large.


Per our bylaws (paragraph 19.3), all meetings are open to all members. 

Called to order at 12:15pm

Approval of Agenda and Minutes: Minutes from December meeting and January agenda were approved.

Treasurer’s report: Net worth as of January 20, 2020 remains unchanged from December at Q4709. We discussed implementing a direct email fund raising campaign using PayPal and RaiseTheMoney.com as we did in 2018. Traci commented on her experience using Donorbox.org, as a possible cheaper alternative to RaiseTheMoney.

Chair’s Report: Reported on the Americas Regional meeting of January 9th.

Points of interest include: (1) Certified DA WebEx Host training – useful for DAGT so we can use WebEx for Excom meetings instead of Skype. https://wiki.democratsabroad.org/display/WebEx/Host+Certification+Sign-Up+Form. We will try to use WebEx for our Excom meetings beginning in February or March. (2) The region will revive the use of Country Committee Field Plans. A draft was sent to DAGT Excom members to expand on – be a good place to list GOTV events of all types. Let John know of items to be added. (3)  DAGT Annual General Meeting will be held in March, either the 21st or 28th depending on Casa Convento Concepción availability.

Events for 2019:  Film Series Update: To Kill a Mockingbird will be shown on February 20th (pending confirmation of space at CCC). In addition to the other classics to be shown over coming months, Kee suggested two new titles to consider: Tightrope (a documentary about the opioid epidemic), and Learning to Skateboard in a War Zone (if you’re a girl). Kee will explore obtaining both films and report at the next meeting.

Debate Watch Parties will be on hold until a later date or after the February 3rd Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire primary on February 11th, or someone volunteers to host one, whichever comes first. We will discuss at February meeting.

2020 voter registration and GOTV: Voting Center Manager guidelines have been readied for the Global Presidential Primary (GPP). Kee will check out the facilities at Café Condesa, the site for DAGT’s in-person voting station on March 3, 2020, to ensure they will meet our needs and comply with what is expected per the GPP guidelines. Kee is recruiting volunteers to help with the in-person voting March 3rd. We should have three or more volunteers. Juan Pablo said he will be present all day that day, and can help with photographing voted ballots using a scanning app on his phone. Remote voting online will be available for DAGT members unable to attend the in-person voting beginning February 18 and running through March 10. We discussed Remote Voting Assistance Events (at Internet cafes or other public places with connectivity where remote voters can get help). Traci and Hyung will focus on organizing these around the Lake Atitlán area. We need people to organize such events elsewhere around the country. Kee and Scotney will coordinate the messaging for promoting the GPP. John will have mantas vinilicas produced for posting around Antigua promoting the GPP once the link name for remote voting is confirmed. Voter registration/FPCA events will begin in mid-March. Kee will estimate dates going forward for inclusion in the Field Plan and for one paid Revue ad. Traci and Hyung will coordinate on voter registration events around the Lake area during this year. FVAP Voter Assistance Guide for 2020-2022 is pending arrival via CANIZ to Antigua. Hang onto the 2018-2019 copy in the meantime.


The DAGT Excom will meet next on Monday, February17th, at 12 noon, at El Sitio’s Café Teatro and via Skype.


Travel Notes: Mary Lou will be in and out. Juan Pablo will be out from February 14 to the 24.  John will be away April 15 to June 23.


Adjourned: 1:20 pm.