April 30, 2021

DAN Elects Executive Committee 2021-2023

The election is over and the votes have been tallied. We are pleased to announce the Democrats Abroad Norway Executive Committee for 2021-2023.

Chair: Christina Skovsgaard
Vice-Chair: André Durham
Secretary: Campbell Hellandsvik
Treasurer: Arna Desser
Counsel: Andy Stites

Many thanks to all of the candidates for stepping forward to serve. And thank you to all of the DAN members who voted in the election and who attended the 2021 Annual General Meeting on April 28th.

The new board is already bouncing around ideas for meetings and activities in the coming months. Check out this website, Facebook, and your email inbox for information on upcoming DAN events. 

Remember...the midterms will be here before we know it!

Kind regards,
Karin Blake Granå
Danielle DeRose
Ron Krueger
DAN Nominations and Elections Committee