March 07, 2021

DAB's Election Day - it's our turn!

After all our hard work to elect Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and so many more Democrats back in the States, it's our turn now, as we elect a new Executive Committee to lead our group during the 2021-2023 season.  All DAB members have received via email the candidate statements and instructions on how to vote. Any member who has not received that email can write to the Nominations & Elections Committee at [email protected].

We do need a 25-person quorum at the March 21st AGM for our election results to be valid, so please RSVP via this link

Take advantage of the opportunity to “Meet the Candidates" at this month’s virtual edition of Friday Drinks (March 12th at 8pm). Each candidate will have one minute to introduce themselves, either live or through a pre-recorded video. RSVP here and we'll email you the Zoom link.

Here's to Democracy in Action - and a special thanks to all those volunteers who've submitted nominations! 




Trip DuBard

Vice Chair

Onélica Andrade


Linda Danielson

Matthew Goldman


Jeffrey Edison


Sandra Keegan


(two positions open)

Jerry Asumbrado

Joseph “Joe” Brinker 

Robin de Wouters 

Pam Miller

Sonya Reines-Djivanides