February 25, 2024

DA France February 24 Newsletter

Super Tuesday is around the corner!

Vote in Democrats Abroad’s Global Presidential Primary, either remotely by email, or in person at one of our Voting Centers in Paris, on Super Tuesday, March 5 or Saturday, March 9. When you vote in the Global Presidential Primary, you’re showing our elected representatives how important elections are to US citizens living abroad – and how important we are to those elections.

Read on for other important announcements and events from Democrats Abroad France!

Register & Request Your Ballot!

Voting in the Global Presidential Primary doesn’t mean you’re registered for the general election in November. Don’t wait – it’s necessary to register and request your ballot for all US elections early. Go to www.Votefromabroad.org NOW to register and request your ballot. Then contact your Local Elections Official to confirm that they have received your ballot request. 

Need ballot assistance? Our trained voter assistance volunteers are standing by! Write to us at [email protected], call or text us at 07-555-FRDEM (07 55 53 73 36), or drop in to one of our online voter assistance sessions.

2024 is a critical election year, and we’ll need all hands on deck as we work together to ensure victory in November! Join us for the Annual General Meeting of Democrats Abroad France, which will be held in person in Paris and online via Zoom, on Tuesday, April 9, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. 

We’ll talk about how to get involved in this campaign season, helping Get Out the Vote in the critical 2024 elections at the federal, state, and local levels. We will also be reviewing our activities of the past year and voting on some minor bylaws changes. To learn about the proposed bylaws changes and to give your feedback on them, please see this form.

Help Build Democrats Abroad’s 2024 Platform: join us for a Kitchen Table Talk about issues that matter! We will hold 2 events in Paris where members can give input on the DA 2024 Platform, on March 11 from 5pm to 7pm, and March 13 from 7pm to 9pm. Every four years, the Democratic Party discusses its policies and refines its platform. Democrats Abroad is getting a head start on the platform process by asking members to share their ideas on platform topics. Join us to discuss our key values and how to put them into our Platform.

“Hello, is XYZ there?” “Speaking.” “Hi, this is Susie from Democrats Abroad France. I’m calling to remind you to register and request your ballot for 2024’s critical elections. Go to VoteFromAbroad.org to request your ballot today!” “Ok, will do, thanks for the reminder!”

Phonebanking is an important way that we can each make a difference in 2024’s elections. It’s easy and free, and you can do it from your home computer on your own time. We’re calling our members in France to make sure that they’re registered and ready to vote, and to remind them to vote in the Global Presidential Primary on Super Tuesday. We get a lot of people thanking us for the call! 

We’re holding regular Zoom sessions where our phonebankers get together for support. Join us from 6:00pm to 7:00pm on February 27March 5, or March 11. Go here to learn more about phonebanking with DA, and go here to join the team.

Run to be a DNC Delegate in Chicago!

Democrats Abroad will send 21 delegates to the 2024 Democratic National Convention. Interested in being a delegate? Go here for more information, and look out on our website for upcoming informational sessions. The Democrats Abroad Delegate Application form will be available on the DA website starting on March 26, 2024.

Investment strategies and estate planning events: Tax Day is approaching, and Democrats Abroad France is offering two events devoted to tax and financial issues for Americans living in France:

  • An in-person workshop in Paris on how to invest and plan for retirement as an American living in France, on Tuesday, March 19th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. 
  • An estate planning seminar via Zoom, on the basics of French inheritance tax rules and how they apply to Americans living in France, on Tuesday, March 26, from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. 

For both seminars, you can also purchase the recording if you can’t make it to the sessions. 

The number of Americans moving to France has tripled since 2020, many in the last 12 months. Many of them are likely Democrats, who will need help figuring out how to vote from abroad.

If we do ONE THING this yearhelping these new residents vote—we'll ensure Democrats win and boost our power in Washington DC to pass our priorities.

Finding these Americans will take work and resources. Help us pay for advertising, textbanking, printed materials like mailers, and outreach in areas where we’re not yet present.

To donate to DA France, please click here. Please consider giving as a monthly sustaining donor: These investments, big or small, help us immensely as they allow us to budget for the rest of the year. 

THANK YOU for your donation! 

Join Us In Person and Online!

Don't forget to check out our upcoming events HERE.

Each Monday on social media, we highlight other DA events that happen online and work for our timezone. Facebook :: Instagram :: Twitter