In case you missed it, on August 26th we celebrated Women’s Equality Day which commemorates the day that women were granted the right to vote. The day also marks a turning point in the history of the struggle for equal treatment of women and women’s rights.
As a woman of color, I’m looking forward to a Women’s Equality Day when economic disparities for women are overcome. But, according to these numbers it won’t be soon—
18 – the number of countries where husbands can legally prevent their wives from working.
39 – the number of countries where sons and daughters do not share equal inheritance rights.
135 – the number of years it will take to bridge the gender wage gap.
12 – the number of countries (out of 195) that give women equal work rights as men.
13% - the percentage of women globally who are agricultural landholders.
24% - the percentage of women representation in national parliaments and governments.
Despite many advances, women in the US and around the globe still face insurmountable barriers to economic well-being and success.
So, here are two things I would suggest we do today, and every day—
--Use your consumer power. Shop (and invest) with companies that “walk the talk” of supporting women’s full participation, compensation, and leadership in the workplace and political arena.
--Vote, Vote, and Vote. Exercise your right to vote at all levels of policy making (e.g., city, state and national). Vote for candidates and policies that address issues critical to women’s economic progress and well-being.