May 08, 2019

DA Chile ExCom Officers - Nomination Window Closed

Dear Democrats Abroad Chile members:

The nomination window for Democrats Abroad Chile Executive Committee Officers is officially closed.

Thank you for your support and participation during this year’s nomination process for Democrats Abroad Chile Executive Committee Officers. We will be providing members with background briefs for each nominee via email and our Facebook page in the coming days.

What’s next?

On May 11, 2019, we will email to eligible members, post to our official DA Chile page, and place on our Facebook pagean announcement that will contain candidate statements, a downloadable ballot and Bylaws. 


Mark Your Calendar!

The 2019 Annual Meeting of Democrats Abroad Chile

When: May 25, 2019 at 2:30 PM

Location: Santiago Community Church, Holanda 129, Providencia

(Google Maps Link: