Pride and confidence in Joe Biden, and Horror! (at the GOP’s Candidate)
By now you have all surely “seen the news,” and countless memes about how the 1st 2024 US Presidential Debate supposedly played out. But how many of you actually watched it - or read/watched on in those reports beyond the doomsday headlines or ledes to get to the real story? Well, five of our DAGR members met up online at 4:00 a.m. here in Greece to watch and react to the debate together (at 4:00 a.m.!) Read on for their takes in a first-person photo and quote essay by Rep-at-Large Gina Billy.
The Backstory:
I’ve been a “debate junkie” ever since my days as a TV reporter back in Birmingham, Alabama (1985-1991). So, I knew I would definitely be watching the first 2024 debate between President Biden and (former) President Trump live, even though it would be at 4:00 in the morning here in Greece. In our DAGR Comms Team meeting on June 18th, I suggested that we organize a “Watch and React” online event to offer to you, our members. I got the green light, and got busy.
One of the first steps was creating and getting the OK on an invitation to the event to share on DAGR’s social media: Facebook (link) and Instagram (link.) This was the only way to let members know that this debate watch party was happening. Apologies that I didn’t have the idea soon enough to get the word out to all of you in our June newsletter. But keep your eyes open in our September newsletter for an invite to the next debate September 10 (9 PM EST, USA), September 11th (4 AM) here in Greece. Now, though, on to (or back to) the DAGR watch and react live party for the first debate.
When the debate got underway, we were four: Our Vice-Chair, Sarajane was in Athens, Secretary, Jan in Athens, and new member, Barbara, on Paros, joined me, on southern Crete via Zoom. We had a few tech challenges to overcome, but Sarajane mastered them beautifully! It meant, though, we missed the debate’s opening question about inflation and the economy. I’ve watched the recording since, and guess what?
President Biden gave a thorough, clear, and fact-packed reply.
Surprise, surprise! (Former) President Trump exaggerated and lied, claiming that under his administration, “We had the greatest economy in the history of our country!” Just.Not.True.
When DAGR’s Chair, Brady, joined our watch party around 4:15 a.m., Trump’s lying, denying, prevaricating, and yes, bullying, were in full swing. As Brady summed it up post-debate:
“The debate made very clear what the American people already knew, that Donald Trump is incapable, morally as well as intellectually, of answering ANY of the difficult questions the American people desperately need to have answered.”
Brady also had this to say about a “strange” moment in the debate to do with of all things, golfing. “Biden was too polite to mention that Trump cheats at golf. But Trump cheats at everything, and the victim in his sights is the American people.”
Sarajane added, “Infuriating only begins to describe how I feel about the ex -President and republican nominee.”
She then noted the stark contrast to President Biden.
“I am happy that our current president and democratic candidate showed a comprehensive understanding of the questions and a willingness to respond with truthful examples of his leadership record.”
Of course, all of us noticed that President Biden - especially in the first 15 minutes or so of the debate, was not always answering as fluently as with his first response. However, all five of us agreed: THAT was not the “main take-away” from this debate. Could someone tell the media?
Jan remarked, “Joe was not at his best, but as we all saw, Trump is completely without shame and having his ridiculous orangeness in front of me for 90 minutes was truly difficult, physically painful in fact. That sort of smileless smile he put on his face while Biden was speaking made him look like Kermit the Frog - with apologies to Kermit!”
Barbara agreed. “Joe’s speaking skills may have been poor tonight but Trump’s lack of decency and failure to put forward any positive policies showed up as very poor… liar, whiner, uninformed, out-of touch and outright mean. I hope that viewers will see Trump for who he really is. I don’t think he answered even one question honestly and certainly didn’t put forward any kind of plan or policy regarding the issues.”
So did I! “It was painful and disgusting to watch a former US President (and convicted criminal) who justly faces three other criminal trials on much more serious charges tell one lie after the other. Had Trump been under oath – he’d be facing many, many perjury charges. But on the debate stage, it was seemingly “anything goes” – except for the truth. It was also painful to see President Biden’s face as he, too, listened to DJT blatantly turn the truth upside down and try to sell his fiction as facts to US Americans.”
So yes, President Biden didn’t have the best night ever, his opponent was a horror show - so do your part to make sure he does not get “re-hired,” but fired for good this November!
Barbara summed it up best. “Watching this debate pushed me to be even more determined to do whatever I can, from my little island in the Aegean, to make sure Trump doesn’t become President again. I will continue to encourage every American I know to register and to vote. I will help my friends and family register, get unbiased, accurate information and keep pushing them to vote. At least, in my own sphere, I can make a difference.”
Finally, let me share that all five of us agreed: Watching the debate together was an excellent thing to do and worth losing sleep over. It is nothing compared to the sleep I lost during those four dark years of Trump-1. Together, we can prevent an even worse nightmare. So please, do your part!