September 15, 2021

Vacancies in DAGR Executive Committee

Special elections called

Nominations/Elections Committee appointed

At the September session of DAGR’s Executive Committee, two resignations from the board were accepted. Rebecca Lieb, Representative At Large submitted her resignation, as well as Richard Jackson, Athens Chapter Representative. Both individuals will be leaving Greece for professional commitments.

The Executive Committee approved the following members to serve on the Nominations/Elections Committee for the special election filling the vacancies: Nikki Fellouris, Chair; Daniel Roberts and Anna Haughton. The Nominations and Elections committee for this special election will be receiving electronic or telephone nominations from now through November 1. Electronic elections will run from November 5 to December 2. If you are interested in serving on the Executive committee, please contact these individuals.

By email: [email protected]

Nikki Fellouris:  6936 618 493, 210 722 9654


Below are the descriptions for each position.

Representative At Large

{Preferably lives outside Athens/Thessaloniki chapter areas}

  • Plans and organizes activities and events outside of Athens and Thessaloniki.
  • Membership development. Maintains outreach to non-Athens/Thessaloniki Chapter members.
  • Solicits a pool of volunteers to assist with events and activities.
  • Participates in GOTV activities/efforts outside of Athens/Thessaloniki.

Athens Chapter Representative


  • Plans and organizes chapter-specific activities and events.
  • Maintains outreach to Athens Chapter members.
  • Coordinates with DAGR Secretary and Treasurer.
  • Solicits a pool of volunteers to assist with Athens Chapter events and activities.
  • Coordinates with DAGR Events Chair, Volunteer Chair. Assigned by Chapter Chair with focus on developing neighborhood groups around ‘precinct captains’