Fundraiser for Legislative Advocacy
Help Reinstate New Jersey Law for Overseas Voters to Vote in State Elections
Attention New Jersey Voters
DONATE NOW to help us reach and mobilize New Jersey Democrats Abroad!
If you wish to make a one-time donation using PayPal, then please go here.
If you wish to make a monthly recurring donation using PayPal, then please go here.
You will be redirected to our ActBlue page.
New Jersey currently does not allow all overseas voters to vote in state elections, even though overseas voters could vote in state elections before Chris Christie pushed through a change in the law in 2017.
Your generosity makes sure we can keep working to make legislative change and help get out the overseas vote!
Donations are made to Democrats Abroad (Democratic Party Committee Abroad) and not to any candidate for Federal Office.
Donations to Democrats Abroad are not tax-deductible.