Make a Donation to DA San Miguel de Allende Today & Help us Get Out the Vote Tomorrow!

We need your support! Your donation today to Democrats Abroad San Miguel de Allende will help us get out the vote throughout Mexico.  We made the difference in several close races in 2022 and 2024 - and with your help we will make the difference every year.  Every donation counts - whether large or small!

  • $50 usd helps reach 100 US citizens in Mexico on social media to ask them to register to vote.
  • $100 usd helps fund on-line events and seminars to educate, engage, and energize Democratic voters in Mexico.
  • $250 usd helps fund phone banking efforts that touch thousands of prospective voters.
  • $500 usd helps us launch a new chapter, which helps support and grow our membership.

If you wish to make a one-time donation using PayPal, then please go here.
If you wish to make a monthly recurring donation using PayPal, then please go here.
In both instances, you will be redirected to our ActBlue donation page.

If you wish to contribute with a check or bank transfer, please visit Check and Bank Transfer Information for instructions.

Thank you for your support!

¡Haga una Donación a DA San Miguel de Allende Hoy y Ayúdenos a Promover el Voto Mañana!

¡Necesitamos su apoyo! Su donación hoy a Demócratas en el Extranjero México nos ayudará a promover el voto en todo México. Marcamos la diferencia en varias competencias reñidas en 2022 y 2024 con su ayuda vamos a hacer la diferencia cada año. Cada donación cuenta -ya sea grande o pequeña!

  • $50 usd nos ayuda a llegar a 100 ciudadanos estadounidenses en San Miguel de Allende a través de las redes sociales para pedirles que se registren y voten.
  • $100 usd nos ayuda a financiar eventos en línea y seminarios para educar, involucrar y motivar a los votantes Demócratas en México.
  • $250 usd nos ayuda a financiar los esfuerzos del banco de llamadas que contactan a miles de posibles votantes.
  • $500 usd nos ayuda a lanzar un nuevo capítulo que ayude a apoyar y a aumentar nuestra membresía.


donation .



  1. I am a United States citizen or a permanent resident alien.
  2. This contribution is not made from the general treasury funds of a corporation, labor organization, or national bank.
  3. This contribution is not made from the treasury of a person or entity that is a federal contractor.
  4. The funds I am contributing are not being provided to me by another person or entity for the purpose of making this contribution.
  5. I am at least 18 years old and the funds I am contributing are my own personal funds and I am contributing these funds knowingly and voluntarily.
  6. I agree and consent that my personal information as provided above will be maintained in accordance with Democrats Abroad Privacy Policy and may be shared with the United States Federal Election Commission (FEC) and/or relevant state election agency in order to comply with campaign finance law and acknowledge that, if so shared, this information may be publicly available. In such case, data subject rights, such as the right to erasure, would not apply; to find out more, please refer to the FEC website before making a donation.
  7. I have not exceeded the maximum annual donation of $41,300 in aggregate to Democrats Abroad (DPCA) and the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Please select an amount