Diabetes Coverage in Spain #DAresists #Medicare4all

I am a full supporter of universal healthcare under a contribution (insurance) system as this will increase the negotiating power of the health service and reduce costs overall to the citizenship. Of course, the organization needs to address inefficiencies and posible instances of benefit abuse. My personal case, an american citizen born in Spain, worked and studies in the U.S. for a decade and returned to Madrid. Unfortunately, I have diabetes type 1 and primary progressive multiple sclerosis. Both of these are being taken care of by the public health system in Madrid and my experience has been good. I visit New York often and share my experience with doctors at the Weil Cornell Medicine in NYC and the doctors there actually look at new treatments in Europe. I am also a die hard democrat and part of DA Madrid. My great grandfather was US Senator (Dennis Chavez from New Mexico). What is happening now to our country's politics is appaling and needs social participation to overturn. Best regards, Ismael González de Diego Miller (B'86)