Announcement of 2023 Democrats Abroad Japan Tokai Election
The 2023 Nomination and Election Committee (NEC) of Democrats Abroad Japan (DAJ) Tokai Chapter is proud to call upon our membership to submit their nominations for the 2023 DAJ Tokai Chapter Election. The call for nominations is for the following positions:
Tokai Chapter Officer positions
- Chair (Volunteer Lead, Raises New Leaders)
- Vice-Chair (Serves as Chair in their absence; Supports the Team)
- Secretary (Manages/maintains membership database; Technical and Precise)
- Treasurer (Manages the Tokai finances, maintains transparency and records)
If you are interested in holding an officer position, you must fulfill the following requirements in order to qualify:
- Be a member in good standing pursuant Article III of the By-Laws of Democrats Abroad Japan. You can confirm your membership by signing into
- Not be completing a 2nd consecutive term for the office in question, as per the term limits set out in our by-laws pursuant to Article X, Section 1: “No National, or Chapter Officer, nor any Members-at-Large can serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same position.”
- In the case of running for Chair or Vice Chair, pursuant to Article V, Section 1, “The Chair and Vice Chair shall not be of the same sex.”
Nomination Procedure
In order to join the election process, members may nominate themselves or another member by sending an e-mail to [email protected] no later than 11:59pm Japan time on Friday, March 31st, 2023. All nomination emails should include the following:
- Complete name of the person nominated.
- Contact information including phone number and email address.
- Name of the nominated position.
- Feb 15- March 31st- Nomination Period
- April 1- April 14th- Vetting Period
- April 15th Annual General Meeting, Meet the Candidates
- April 15th-May 15th Voting Period
Anyone considering running for office is encouraged to join a Chat with the Chair (National Chair Sarajean Rossitto) on Monday 2/27 and/or Monday 3/27 from 8-9 PM. The National Nominations and Elections Committee will also be holding a potential candidate Q&A session on March 11th at 10am, but potential candidates from all regions are welcome. Please see the DAJ calendar for links: DAJ calendar
Please direct all questions to the NEC by email: [email protected]
We look forward to receiving your nominations!
Tokai Chapter Nomination and Election Committee
Amy Braun
Gwen Catley
Eric Gondree
DA Japan