Sample email to invite speakers/guests and ideas for speakers/guests
Ideas for potential speakers: local professors or PhD students, environmental researchers, environmental journalists, staff from environmental NGOs, divestment activist/organizers, Extinction Rebellion activists, local or national green party members, student climate strike organizers, local flora and fauna experts.
Ask yourselves: what do you want to learn about, and how is it connected to climate change?
Sample email text:
Dear [Insert potential speaker],
[I/we am/are] reaching out to you from [DA Chapter]. The Global Women’s Caucus Climate Action Team of Democrats Abroad is kicking off Go Green, Vote Blue - our effort to turn out the Climate Vote in 2020. Starting the week of April 20, to celebrate Earth Week, local Women’s Caucus members are organizing online teach-ins that all of our members can join. We think you’re a recognized expert, and we’d like you to invite you to speak about [insert specialty here].
The Global Women’s Caucus of Democrats Abroad would like to invite you to participate in the teach-in we’re hosting on [Date/Time/Time Zone]. The discussion and presentation will take place online and invite questions from the online audience. You will be asked to prepare a brief introduction or presentation (10-15 minutes) about your topic and answer questions from our members (we’ll have a few kick-off questions to get things started too).
We sincerely hope you can join us in helping to educate and inform our members in honor of Earth Week and our 2020 Go Green, Vote Blue Campaign.
Please let us know your interest and availability to participate in this event. Once we receive your reply, we’ll finalize the details of the presentation, and work out final logistics.
Looking forward to your response,
NAME / Title (if applicable)
[DA] Chapter