June 02, 2017

Celebrate Athens Pride with DAGR

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Love trumps hate: The Democratic Party supports the protection of the civil rights of the LGBQT community. DAGR shows its support by participating in Athens Pride. We will staff a booth during Pride events in Syntagma Square, promoting our support of LGBQT issues and seeking out US citizens in Greece to become DAGR members and future voters in the 2018 midterm elections. Athens Pride is a day devoted to commemoration, celebration, education, promoting action and engagement -- and fun!!

Join us! 

Volunteer to help us staff the DAGR information booth in Syntagma Square, from 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. You can staff the booth for an hour-long shift and then spend time enjoying the festivities. For more information, email Steve Medeiros, DAGR Vice-Chair. To volunteer, fill out the form!    

Be part of the evening's celebration in the Athens Pride Parade
Join DAGR marching behind our "Love trumps hate" banner. The parade begins at 7:00 and runs for about 90 minutes. Bring your good will and your progressive energy (and a big smile!); wear comfortable shoes and rainbow colors (a rainbow pin or button is fine!). You may be moved to dance; there's usually some great music in the parade. 

To let us know that you will be joining us for the parade, just tick the “18:00 and join the parade” box on the volunteer form. You may also RSVP (parade participation) on our Facebook page

We  will follow up with specific information about meeting time/place. 

You can learn more about the Athens Pride organization on their website.

Prepping for Pride
What's a parade or march these days without clever and pungent posters stating principles, points of protest and expressions of community and solidarity? We will march in Saturday's parade behind a rainbow banner. You might want to make your own statement. If so, join us for a sign-making get-together at Steve's home in central Athens.

SignMaking Get-Together
Thursday, June 8, 2017
7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Metro: Akropoli

Have some refreshments, talk politics --- with a focus on LGBTQ issues, make your perfect sign.

Tick “Yes, I’m in!” at the bottom of the volunteer form and we’ll send you the address and directions.

See you there!