The first votes of the 2018 AGM brought cheers around the room and even online, as we voted unanimously to admit our three newest country committees. Congratulations to Democrats Abroad members in Haiti, Nicaragua and Romania!
Who casts these votes? Democrats Abroad volunteers elected to their roles at a country or global level. These leaders vote on all organizational issues in person, online or by proxy, which makes up an important part of the general meeting each year.
After a few rounds of applause to welcome our newest country committees, the meeting then moved to annual reports from the executive committee: International Chair, Julia Bryan; Vice Chair, Alex Montgomery; International Secretary Jeffrey Cheng; and International Counsel, Tom Schmidt. Democrats Abroad's International Counsel as been particularly busy this year, ensuring that we are not only FEC compliant but also GDPR compliant, too.
Bryan returned to the floor to remind us just what we're fighting for this year. What's at stake? Voter rights, ACA and other legislation from women's health to the environment and far beyond. As Bryan pointed out, we only need 23 seats to swing the House, and we can make that happen. "Democrats Abroad IS the margin of victory. Without Democrats Abroad, the ACA would not have been protected. We were the margin of victory for Senator Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, and Governor Roy Moore of North Carolina. And this past year, we helped election Doug Jones to become Alabama Senator."
Heidi Burch, co-lead of our Get Out The Vote (GOTV) team, outlined how we were able to support special elections last year and how the systems put in place for 2018 will ensure that smooth midterms. The team is also working with leaders in states like New Jersey to lobby to ensure that more overseas voters will be able to vote more easily and more frequently in the years ahead.
The Global Women’s Caucus then presented on their accomplishments over the past year and how they can support members and local chapters of the caucus around the world.
In the afternoon, we were thrilled to welcome Ken Martin, Chair of the Association of State Democratic Committees (ASDC), who joined us in Tokyo and gave an inspiring speech that got members back on their feet.
"Blue waves just don't happen. We have to do the work... It’s not enough to stand up and be against something. We have to stand up and be for something. Convey to people what it would look like with Democrats in control... Should we be gunning for rural traditional Dems or urban progressives? It’s not an either or. It’s a both. We all do better when we all do better. We’re going to stand up and fight for everyone. As Democrats."
Martin also acknowledged the work of Dems Abroad leaders and volunteers: "We know that in these close races these overseas ballots are going to be the difference between seeing that become a red state or blue state. You have my commitment that we’re going to keep pushing hard. We’re going to keep pushing hard to be sure that Dems Abroad is treated like every other state party.”
Much of the afternoon was spent discussing proposed charter and bylaws amendments - following strict Parliamentary procedures! - to ensure that voting members had the opportunity to discuss and debate each amendment.
After a preview of upcoming bilingual voter resources, it was off to dinner and socializing!