The nomination period for the DA France Veterans and Military Families Caucus elections is now closed. Members of the Veterans and Military Families Caucus will receive a ballot by email, and electronic voting will end on March 14 at midnight.
The Election Board is pleased to announce the candidates!
Anna Marie Mattson, Candidate for Chair of the DAF-VMF Caucus
I am really passionate about our veterans and military families whether it be supporting wounded warriors and caregivers at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany; participating in Memorial Day Ceremonies; crafting and advocating for resolutions to make sure our voice is heard loud and clear; and nurturing partnerships with other veteran organizations. I also enjoy working with our encouraging and vibrant team.
We can still work for more opportunities to bond, improve communication channels and continue to bring our issues to the forefront of DA and the Democratic Party. In addition, to support Veterans who run for elections stateside.
My credentials as a military family abound: my father and four uncles fought in WWII, my cousin was on a Navy ship during the Vietnam War, two great uncles fought in France during WWI and we have ancestors who fought in the Civil War and Revolution. So I grew up listening to stories and witnessing the pain over their experiences and lost comrades. I am currently the Co-Chair of DA France Veterans & Military Caucus and would appreciate your vote for Chair.
Thank you! Anna Marie Mattson
Tilly Gaillard, Candidate for Secretary of the DAF-VMF Caucus
I am a true-hearted San Franciscan, a graduate of UC Berkeley who (like Steve Jobs!) also studied at Reed College in Oregon. I have lived most of my life in France (plus ten years in sub-Saharan Africa) working as a free-lance French-English interpreter. Since 2001, I have been in charge of simultaneous interpretation and much translation work at the 100-year-old International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), based here in Paris. In 2007 I became an active DAF member and have clocked in more than 2000 calls to GOTV for Biden. Being of the older vintage I chose to focus on DAF-VMFC (inspired by the dynamic co-chair Anna-Marie Mattson) thinking that I might, in part, be closer to my age group (I am also a member of the Global Seniors Caucus) and farther from neuronicidal high-tech computerisation. As an interpreter, I know how to listen, and thanks to journalism (incl. five months at The Times of Viet Nam in Saigon) I may even know how to write. As Secretary for the DAF Veterans and Military Families Caucus, I will try to be i.a. accurate, concise and well-assisted.
Susan Fitoussi, Candidate for Social Media Officer of the DAF-VMF Caucus
I was born and raised in Los Angeles California. I left California when I was 24 and have lived abroad since. I have been living in France since 1987 and Marseille since 1994.
I have been involved with our DA Veterans Military and Family Caucus both on a national and global level since 2019. I have met most of our key players in person and we communicate regularly.
I have been using social media for many years, it is something that I have found extremely rewarding and an excellent means of communication with people all over the world.
I have been trained by DAF Comms and I do my best to follow all the guidelines given to Social Media People to follow.
In my experience using Social Media has played a crucial role in finding Americans Abroad and bringing them to our chapters and caucuses Events and most of all getting their votes!
The issues that Veterans and Military Families face at home and abroad are never-ending and often neglected. Our Caucus aims at educating ourselves, our members and also our Senators and Congress people to get their attention on certain issues that desperately need to be solved.
I hope that you can trust my intentions and vote for me as your Social Media Officer.
All members of the DAF Veterans and Military Families Caucus may vote in the leadership elections. The elections will be decided by a plurality of votes (the candidate who gets the most votes in the election wins). DAF does not accept proxy votes. The ballot includes a space for write-in candidates for all positions.
New members are welcome to join and vote. To join: www.democratsabroad.org/join. You must be a US citizen 18 years of age or older by Nov. 7, 2023. New members may join up until the day before the election.
Questions? Please contact the DA France Veterans and Military Families Caucus Election Board at:
Thank you for voting!
DAF Veterans and Military Families Caucus Election Board