Chapter Elections and Executive Committee Elections 2019

The Heidelberg Chapter had its bi-annual elections in early February 2019, resulting in Nancy Schimkat being re-elected Chapter Chair, and Daniel Hoever-Eckardt being elected Chapter Vice-Chair. At our April meeting we will discuss possibly creating a few “at-large” positions, which would strengthen our already active team. These positions include Volunteer Coordinator, Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) Coordinator, and Treasurer. If you are interested in filling any of these roles, please get in touch with Nancy ([email protected]). At the end of February, Heidelberg hosted the Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Germany, which was a big success because so many members pitched in to help! Aside from bringing members together for the weekend, the bi-annual Executive Committee elections for DA Germany took place. Congratulations to the 2019 team:

Candice Kerestan, Chair

Kenton Barnes, Vice-Chair

Andrea Schwab, Secretary

Ron Schlundt, Treasurer

And your Chapter Chair, Nancy Schimkat, was also elected along with 11 others in Germany to be a DPCA Representative. This means that she will represent Germany at the international level of Democrats Abroad. 
