New Beginnings for the Bodensee Precinct

by Marisa Schlenker, Bodensee Precinct Captain

It is exciting to have the opportunity to be part of revamping the Bodensee precinct as it gives those of us living in the Bodensee area a chance to come together to work towards the common Democrats Abroad goals. We know that there are Americans living here in this region and our main objective is to reach them to inform them all about the vote from abroad platform. It is so critical that all Americans living abroad know how to vote from abroad and that this nonpartisan platform exists to guide them in the different processes. Apart from informing Americans about voting from abroad and supporting them to have a voice in our government, our precinct will aim to be a space for our members to come together, discuss politics, fundraise, become more informed about different political and social issues and support the Democratic party from afar. 

With our first Meet & Greet planned for September 22nd in Bermatingen, we hope to attract a range of potential members who can join us in designing and reinitiating the precinct, particularly as we move into 2020, a busy election year!
