Stuttgart and Southwestern Germany Chapter
April 2022 Newsletter
“Bullets cannot be recalled. They cannot be uninvented. But they can be taken out of the gun.” —Martin Amis
Dear Friend,
The unwarranted attack on Ukraine by Russia began over a month ago. The pictures shared around the world by courageous journalists and residents of the war-torn areas speak of the nightmarish atrocities being afflicted upon a democratic, sovereign nation by its brutish neighbor. We cannot unsee what has been done, we cannot unfeel the hurt and helplessness we feel for the people of Ukraine. Millions of women and children are trying to escape to safety, while the rest of the Ukrainian men and women valiantly fight for their freedom from oppression.
Many people have asked how they can help the people of Ukraine, both in Ukraine and here in Germany. Listed below are just a few options:
1. The Ukrainian Red Cross Society: a non-profit humanitarian and charitable association of Ukraine, with its headquarters in Kyiv. (
2. UN World Food Programme: the world’s largest humanitarian agency, it has launched an emergency operation to help people fleeing the conflict both within Ukraine and in neighbouring countries (
3. World Central Kitchen: this organisation is preparing and distributing meals to displaced Ukrainians within Ukraine and in neighbouring countries every day (
4. UNICEF: this organisation provides food, clothing and medical aid to those displaced within their country and those who have lost their homes (
5. CORE (Community Organised Relief Effort): is working in Poland and Romania to offer Ukrainians emergency relief (
6. Vets Without Borders: this rescue charity partners with local and international animal rescue organisations to help the growing number of displaced pets and shelter animals. Donations, foster families and adopters needed (
As most leaders of free and democratic countries have condemned the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, the former president of the US had only praise for Putin at the beginning of his attempted colonisation of Ukraine. Thinking back to the phone call with President Zelenskyy of Ukraine in which DT asked for a “favor” in exchange of aid that had already been approved, it makes one wonder how differently the support of Ukraine would look today under a different president.
This blatant disregard for democracy by some Republican voices makes our work at Democrats Abroad all the more crucial, because we don’t want to be dragged down into the depths of authoritarianism and alternative facts.
To celebrate democracy and ensure that every vote counts, the Stuttgart and Southwestern Germany Chapter is hosting a voter information table at the Schlossplatz in downtown Stuttgart this Sunday, April 10th from 1:30-3:30 pm. We look forward to answering questions you may have about voting from overseas, or perhaps you would just like to come by to show your support for our cause!
We are having a chapter meeting at 8 pm on Friday, April 29th at Forum 3 e.V. in Stuttgart, to discuss current events, upcoming elections, opportunities to volunteer and to meet like-minded people. The cafe offers lovely meals and a wide range of drinks to enjoy during our meeting. Finally in person again!
Please save the date: our chapter will be participating in this year’s Stuttgart Pride Parade, taking place on Saturday, July 30th. Any ideas for showing our pride that day and people wishing to participate, please let us know!
Events being held by DA-Germany:
• Saturday, April 9 at 11 am: Battleground Action Hour! phone banking and voter assistance (online via Zoom)
• Wednesday, April 13 at 11 am: Meet the Georgia Primary Candidates (online via Zoom)
• Wednesday, April 20 at 6 pm: April Climate Cafe (online via Zoom)
• Wednesday, April 20 at 7:30 pm: Info Session about US taxes abroad
• Sunday, April 24 at 2 pm: Books Abroad: The will to Change (online)
• Monday, April 25 at 12 pm: Global Climate Rally with guest speakers
(online, via Zoom)
• Tuesday, April 26 at 7 pm: PRODA Germany Progressive Caucus meeting
(online, via Zoom) •Tuesday, April 26 at 7 pm: DA Germany AAPI Caucus Retreat Planning Meeting (online, via Zoom)
• May 21-22: Democrats Abroad Global Meeting (please RSVP online)
With so much turmoil going on in the world it is easy to lose hope. But there is still beauty to be found in unexpected places and the chance for random, small acts of kindness.
Wishing all a vibrant spring,
Sasha Arrington
Democrats Abroad Germany
Stuttgart and Southwestern Germany Chapter Chair