October 03, 2021

VOTING NEWS: Upcoming Elections in Your State


In 2022, Vote Like Your Life Depends on it!

Primary season is in progress now. 

Welcome to Democrats Abroad Lake Chapala. We're here to help you:

VOTE FROM MEXICO! We can help make it easy to get your vote counted. 

DONATE. Help support our LOCAL efforts to Get Out the Vote. Donate here today:


It's the best investment you can make to protect Reproductive Rights, Voting Rights, your Social Security, Marriage Rights and more. Thank you for your support!

JOIN US! For voting assistance and news, events and great people. Sign up here to join our Lake Chapala Chapter. 

VOLUNTEER.  It’s fun and fulfilling! Get involved with Get Out The Vote and more. We’d love to have you join us. Email us at [email protected].

Remember, your vote really does count! One example: in 2020, DA members contributed more than enough votes to help President Joe Biden WIN in Georgia. Amazing!