Hoosier pride calls us to continue the fight for ERA

My home state of Indiana became the 35th and last state to ratify the ERA on January 18, 1977. Since then it has stalled. Just two years ago, Hoosiers marked the passing of Indiana Senator Birch Bayh. Bayh considered his authorship of Title IX of the Higher Education Act, guaranteeing women equal access to educational and athletic programs as among his greatest achievements. It´s how he met his wife Marvella, who was denied admission to the University of Virginia solely based on her gender. In 1972 just out of the Navy, I was admitted to Loyola University School of Law, Los Angeles where my class was the first anywhere to admit as many women as men. What a gift at the time and looking back! I´ve never underestimated women as colleagues or professional adversaries. Today, I have a daughter who is a lawyer and law professor. My granddaughter is finishing her first year at Purdue. Yet both of them continue to face needless obstacles. These could be removed with passage of the ERA. Is there any possible reason NOT to make equal rights for women the law of the land? They´ve long done so in Norway, the country of my residence since 2014. Everyone benefits, especially we men! Could not the state in which I still proudly register and vote, my Indiana, not continue to make it a reality? Respectfully, Andrew J. Stites, registered Indiana voter residing permanently in Norway since 2014.