November 05, 2024

Cure Your Ballot Information!

Many states allow ballots with missing or inconsistent signatures to be “cured” and counted, but the deadlines are tight! Your election office will tell you what you need to do, but typically you must submit a signed form, sometimes with a copy of your identification. Have your county send the form to you by email and return it as quickly as you can! 

We've compiled a table of these states with deadlines and links to contact information for you below. 

State Cure problem Deadline to cure Check your status Contact your county
Arizona Inconsistent signature Nov. 10 Check AZ voting status County contact information
California Missing or inconsistent signature Dec. 3, 5pm California time Check CA voting status
Colorado Missing or inconsistent signature Nov. 13 Check CO voting status
Florida Missing or inconsistent signature Nov. 7, 5pm Florida time Check FL voting status
Georgia Missing signature or non-matching SSN or missing info Nov. 8  Check GA voting status
Maryland Missing signature Nov. 15, 10am Maryland time Check MD voting status
Michigan Missing or inconsistent signature Nov. 8, 5pm Michigan time Check MI voting status
New York Missing, inconsistent, or incorrect signature on ballot or affirmation envelope, no required witness to a mark, 
missing postmark
Nov. 12, 11:59pm New York time

- or-

7 business days after sending notice (if later)

Check NY voting status
Nevada Missing or inconsistent signature Nov. 12, 5pm Nevada time Check NV voting status
North Carolina Missing signature, or signature incorrectly placed Nov. 14 Check NC voting status
Oregon Missing or inconsistent signature Nov. 26 Check OR voting status
Virginia Missing or inconsistent signature, problematic voter affirmation info  Nov. 8, 11:59am Check VA voting status
Washington Missing or inconsistent signature Nov. 25 Check WA voting status


If you are having problems using the state portal to check your ballot, we can help you at [email protected]. Please note that we cannot tell you if you must cure your ballot, because only the states have this information, but we are happy to help you navigate the state portal interface. 

We also have live voter assistance over Zoom where we can give you one-to-one assistance in real time. You don't need a Zoom account to join. For upcoming dates and times: Click here