May 01, 2016

Berlin Meetings Overview


Who are the Voting Participants ?

DPCA Voting Members* -- Country Committee Chairs, Vice Chairs , Voting Representatives, current DNC Members, plus the 8 Members of the DPCA (International) Executive Committee
* DPCA Voting members representing Country Committees must be from a CC in compliance as of the start of the Global Meeting.

What do they vote on?

  • Admission of new Country Committee(s)
  • Approval of the 2015 Financial Report
  • Resolutions/Bylaws amendments
  • Venue and date of 2017 DPCA Global Meeting
  • Any other DPCA business

Voting rules:

  • Proxies allowed as in the 2015 DPCA Global Meeting
  • Number of votes allocated to Country Committee (CC) is based on the verified CC membership list as of January 31, 2016 


Who are the Electors?

Potential Electors are all elected members of Country Committee executive committees, elected or recognized (chapter chairs of recognized chapters , plus the Regional Vice Chair (RVC ) for the region.

Certified Electors are Electors who have agreed that they will attend the Regional Caucus either in person or via WebEx and who have submitted the “Declaration of Participant” form and for whom a “Electors List” form has been submitted. The number of certified Electors is used to determine quorum and allocation of Country Committee votes among participants (thus, if a certified Electors doesn’t attend, those votes are lost.)

What they vote on:

  • Permanent Caucus Chair
  • Election of 1 DNC Member (per region)
  • Presidential Preference Group (PPG) Chairs
  • Election of 1 or more delegates to the Philadelphia Convention
    • 1 in each PPG in the Americas and A/P Regional Caucuses
    • 2 in the Clinton PPG in the EMEA Regional Caucus
    • 3 in the Sanders PPG in the EMEA Regional Caucus
  • (possibly) Platform planks to be sent to the Global Convention

Voting rules:

Certified Electors may join/vote in-person or via WebEx. No proxies are allowed.

Quorum requirement is 40% of certified Electors. There will be voting by rounds until a delegate receives an absolute majority . In the second and subsequent rounds of voting, candidates with less than 15% of the vote will be dropped from the ballot. The number of votes allocated to each Country Committee is established by the CC’s turnout in the GPP. Gender division is required within each Presidential Preference Group and affirmative actions goals must be taken into account.



Who are the Electors?

  • 9 pledged delegates chosen the day before at the Regional Caucuses
  • 3 DNC Members-elect chosen the day before at the Regional Caucuses
  • DPCA Voting Members (see list above in DPCA Global Meeting section) 

What do they vote on:

  • Presidential Preference Group (PPG) Chairs
  • Election of PLEO + 3 pledged delegates + 2 pledged alternates to the Philadelphia Convention
  • Election of 3 DNC Members
  • DA 2016 Platform

Voting rules:

Electors may join/vote in-person or via WebEx. No proxies are allowed.

Quorum requirement is 40%. There will be voting by rounds until a delegate receives an absolute majority . In the second and subsequent rounds of voting, candidates with less than 15% of the vote will be dropped from the ballot. The number of votes allocated to each Country Committee is established by the CC’s turnout in the GPP. Gender division is required for the overall delegation and affirmative action goals must be taken into account.

Order of events at the Regional Caucuses

  1. Call to order/roll call
  2. Temporary Caucus Chair is RVC
  3. Appoint Caucus Secretary
  4. Election of Permanent Caucus Chair
  5. Report of Credentials Committee
  6. Report of Rules Committee
  7. Election of DNC Member
  8. Split into two Presidential Preference Groups (PPGs) – Clinton and Sanders
  9. Temporary PPG Chair appointed by campaigns
  10. Election of PPG Chair
  11. Elect pledged delegate(s) (total in all Regional Caucuses: 5 Sanders pledged delegates and 4 Clinton pledged delegates)
  12. Reconvene in the larger group ( PPGs recombine)
  13. PPGs report
  14. Consider and possibly vote on Platform planks
  15. (Regional Caucuses may decide to abbreviate this session.) 
  16. Consider any other business
  17. Adjourn

Order of events at the Global Convention

  1. Call to order/roll call
  2. Global Convention Chair is International Chair or her designee
  3. Appoint Convention Secretary
  4. Chair reports on gender balance and representational goals of the affirmative action plan
  5. Split into two Presidential Preference Groups (PPGs) – Clinton and Sanders
  6. Elect pledged delegate(s): 1 PLEO, 3 pledged delegates and 1 alternate in the Sanders PPG; 1 alternate in the Clinton PPG
  7. Reconvene in the larger group ( PPGs recombine)
  8. PPGs report
  9. Chair reports on gender balance and representational goals of the affirmative action plan
  10. Election of 3 DNC Members
  11. Consider and vote on Platform planks 
  12. (Global Convention will consider and vote on Platform planks on Sunday May 15. There will be a pre-Meeting on Platform on Thursday May 12 morning.)
  13. Consider any other business
  14. Adjourn


Later events, elections, appointments

  • May 14 – DA Philadelphia delegation elects Delegation Chair
  • May 23 – DA Philadelphia delegation (in a WebEx meeting) elects 3 Standing Committee Members from lists approved by the campaigns
  • May 23 – Delegation Chair names Delegation Page
  • May 24 – International Chair certifies entire delegation to the DNC
  • June and/or July in the U.S. – Standing Committees meet
  • July 25-28 – Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia