DAG Hamburg Celebrates Independence Day at Old MacDonald

"Has it really been a year?" a few of us sheepishly asked each other. That made us only all the more grateful for this most traditional of American holidays which had brought us together to enjoy hamburgers and beer in such a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. There was a great deal to talk about, so soon after the democratic candidates' debates. First, though, there was a grateful, but a sad toast to Chesney who has played a significant role in our chapter since the day we met in March 2016, but who will leave Hamburg shortly. And finally, there was a round of answers to the questions: "what do you like most about our country?" and "what would you wish for us before we meet again next 4th of July?".

The twenty five answers were varied, and offered praise for American openness and friendliness; for standing up in protest when our democracy is threatened; for the important work of the American Bar Association in defending our values; for the National Parks which preserve the future for all; and for PIES, of every shape and form. The wishes were wide-ranging, but most were variations of the sad fact that many of us will not be able to have a sound night´s sleep until the current occupant of the White House is replaced. There were hopes for an electable democratic candidate, and for dialogue instead of polarization, and we all vowed to see each other more often in the next months to help to get-out- the-vote!

Text by Maryann Schmunk

