It’s time for DAJ Kanto chapter bi-annual officer elections!
Per our official announcement, the Democrats Abroad Japan Kanto Chapter Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) is calling for nominations of candidates for the following offices, which each carry a term two (2) years: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Key dates
- Wed, Feb 15 Nominations open!
- Mon, Feb 27 Chat with the Chair
- Sat, Mar 11 Q/A session
- Mon, Mar 27 Chat with the Chair
- Fri, Mar 31 Nominations close at 23:59 JST
- Fri, Apr 7 Candidate statements (max 500 words), and optional video clip (30-60 seconds), must be received by 17:00 JST at [email protected]; if you can’t attend the “Meet the Candidates” event(s), it is particularly important to consider a video clip
- Sat, Apr 15 Meet your Kanto candidates at DAJ’s Annual General Meeting
- Sat, Apr 15 Voting opens!
- Mon, May 15 Voting closes, 23:59 JST
- Tues, May 16 Kanto NEC counts ballots online
- Wed, May 17 Kanto NEC notifies membership of results
Nomination procedures
- You may nominate yourself or another DAJ member in good standing (see below)
- If you nominate yourself, your email to the Kanto NEC is considered your consent to run for office
- If you nominate someone else, you must inform the person you have nominated, and your nomination email must include the nominee’s contact information (mailing address, phone number, and email address)
- Email nominations no later than 23:59 JST to the Kanto NEC at: [email protected]
- Nominations must contain: 1) complete name, 2) phone number, 3) email address, and 4) affirmation the nominee is qualified to run for office (see below)
- Nominees nominated by another member will be contacted after nominations close to confirm the nomination
Office descriptions
- Chair – calls and presides over meetings of the officers, establishes agenda, and responsible for all chapter activities.
- Vice-Chair – serves as Chair in absence of Chair and as liaison to with DAJ national and other chapter officers.
- Secretary – takes and maintains notes of meetings, responsible for communication with chapter members.
- Treasurer – oversees finances of chapter events and activities.
Candidate qualifications
- Member in good standing—member of Democrats Abroad who is a resident of Japan in the Kanto area (Tokyo, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa prefectures).
- Term limits: no one who is completing a second consecutive term in the office in question is eligible to run for that office.
- Gender-diversity qualification—Chair and Vice-Chair must not be of the same sex.
Check the DAJ website for more information: Questions? Email [email protected]
Links to all events can be found on the DAJ calendar
We look forward to receiving your nominations!
Your DAJ Kanto Chapter NEC:
John Helwig, Chair
Lexi Takamatsu, Social Media
Mike Fisher, Secretary