Saturday, April 13


Delegate Info Session Hosted by the Affirmative Action Committee, Session 4

This year, the Democratic National Convention will take place in Chicago, Illinois from August 19-22. Democrats Abroad will be sending a 21-member delegation to the convention and this is your chance to be part of the group that will cast a vote to formally pick our Party’s nominee for President!

To make sure that our delegation reflects the diversity of our Democrats Abroad membership, the Affirmative Action Committee is hosting an informational session about how you can run to become one of our DA delegates. We want to especially encourage DA members who identify with any of the following groups to run for delegate: women, African American, Arab American, Asian American or Pacific Islander, Hispanic American, Native American, LGBTQ+, youth (aged 36 or younger), those with a disability, and veterans and military families. Members that also do not live in an official DA Country Committee are also encouraged to run.

Information will also be provided on how to finance the cost to participate as a Delegate at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Vancouver, Canada 9:00am
Washington, D.C. 12:00pm
Berlin, Germany 6:00pm
Dubai, UAE 8:00pm


If you cannot attend, the meeting will be recorded and will be available following the session. Additional informational sessions will also be held on:


Saturday, April 13, 2024 at 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Time


Affirmative Action Committee
[email protected]

41 RSVPs