Many thanks and congratulations to the Super Duper Dump Trumpers! Here are the seven who reported that they did EVERYTHING on the list. Great job everyone!!
Ok, now it’s official: Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for President. If you watched Trump's shamelessly unreal acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention last night, you may be dazed and bewildered from being screamed at for more than an hour about the (wholly imaginary) Dystopian States of America. It's been a week of divisiveness, bigotry, crudity projecting a vision of an uglier and crueler America. The only redeeming words spoken were when Melania Trump quoted our wonderful First Lady Michelle Obama – without attribution.
But we can’t sit around fretting about the fate of the nation - and the world - under a Trump presidency. As a party we are busy taking our campaign into communities across the country and around the world. In the coming weeks, we’ll have more to say about OUR nominee and HER vision for a better America – and the many other wonderful Democratic candidates running for office across the country.
But for now we invite you to purge the venom and take the ONE WEEK DUMP TRUMP CHALLENGE.
We challenge you to –
Register to vote and request an absentee ballot at - or tell us you have already done so and “opt out” of Democrats Abroad’s first round of Phone Banking by filling in this Form.
Volunteer to help Democrats Abroad find Americans in your area, inform them about voting from abroad and motivate them to vote BLUE.
Make a donation to Democrats Abroad. Help us reach millions of Americans living overseas and get them to VOTE
Learn more about what Democrats Abroad is doing for Americans living abroad. As the voice in the Democratic Party for Americans living abroad, see how Democrats Abroad is working on behalf of all US citizens living overseas to fix the inequities in US law, regulations and the tax code.
Like the Democrats Abroad Facebook page, follow the Democrats Abroad Twitter handle and follow our Democratic National Convention delegation who will post and tweet using the hashtag #DAPhilly2016.
Look for Democrats Abroad events happening in your area. Meet Democrats in your area and enjoy the Democratic Party fellowship - guaranteed to help you overcome the sick feeling left by Trump's Republican National Convention.
Join the Hillary Clinton campaign. Work to elect Hillary Clinton and turn Congress BLUE!
Learn more about Hillary’s positions on the issues that impact Americans Abroad.
We don’t expect everyone to do everything in the Dump Trump challenge – at least not in a week. But if you do, write us at [email protected] and we’ll put your name up on our website as a Super Duper Trump Dumper.
Look for our coverage of next week’s Democratic National Convention in the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Aspirations – what promises to be a week of hope, inspiration, and a vision for a better America.
Katie Solon
International Chair
Democrats Abroad