We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!
And we are thankful for the thousands of volunteers who gave it their all this election cycle. You went above and beyond, and while we can't thank you all by name, we'd particularly like to thank:
The Global GOTV Team:
- The Core Zoomers
- The Zoom Room Volunteers
- The Voter Assistance Team
- The CallHub Callers
- The Voter Protection Team
as well as:
- The Regional GOTV Coordinators
- All Country Committee GOTV Coordinators
- The GPP Team
- The Global Advertising Team
- The Global Communications Team
- The Global IT Team
- The Global Fundraising Team
- The Global Treasury Team
- The State Teams
- The Global Caucuses
- The Task Forces
- All CC Leaders
And last but certainly not least, every volunteer in each of our over 200 countries. You all went the extra mile - at tabling, in meetings, in people's living rooms, at the post office - to help U.S. citizens everywhere get registered and vote. Every ballot voted is a stitch in the complex fabric of our democracy - and as we well know, every single ballot counts!
Thanks to you - for giving it your all.