Global Women’s Caucus Communications
Tool Kit
- Your events can be posted on our site
- Your stories can be shared on our page
Newsletter: Monthly cycle
- Make sure your members are registered to receive the newsletter
- Your events can be advertised here
- Important updates can be shared here
Facebook: Follow us @womenscaucusabroad!
- Get news and updates here
- Connect to your GWC community
Instagram: Follow us and engage @dawomenscaucus!
- Get news and updates here
- Encourage your members to engage with action to draw awareness to your caucus
- Connect to your GWC community
Twitter: Follow us and engage @dawomenscaucus!
- Get news and updates here
- Encourage member participation in action campaigns
- Connect to your GWC and greater DA community
YouTube: subscribe (Global Women’s Caucus)
- Let us post and share your recorded events here
- Highlights can be shared through our social media
Resources for your Action Team
- Women's History Month Social Media Toolkit
- Free Images:
- Images for Social Media (Google login required)
- Women’s History Month Living Library
- Action/Issues Resources
- GWC resources
- GWC YouTube Channel
- "She’s That Woman”
- "What is a Feminist" with Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
- Films about Native Women for Women’s History Month
Greetings Postcards (contact us for higher resolution)
Global Women’s Caucus logo postcards