On July 20, 2019, the Democratic Party Committee Abroad (DPCA) members met to debate and vote on several resolutions which were unable to receive consideration at the May 2019 global meeting in the District of Columbia due to time restrictions. One of the measures DPCA members passed was a resolution supporting the “Green New Deal” in Congress. The Democrats Abroad Hispanic Caucus’ steering committee authored a technical-corrections amendment to the resolution which DPCA members unanimously included.
The amendment’s primary sponsor, Will Prescott (DA Mexico), stated, “I’m pleased there was strong support among the global voting membership to support this amendment which strengthens the Green New Deal resolution. Not only is climate change a top issue for me and I’m sure for many members of our caucus, but to have the amendment backing of Democrats Abroad’s global leaders is indicative of getting the resolution just right to the global membership’s unanimous acceptance.”
Another leader on the Hispanic Caucus’ steering committee, Alison Maciejewski (DA Czech Republic), provided an additional opinion: “Encouraging our elected officials to take action to
save the planet is a no-brainer. With the emergence of anti-science climate skeptics and willful ignorance from Republicans in office, the underlying resolution calls for strong actions by our Party to contact our members of Congress and urge them to sign on to H. Res. 109 and S. Res. 59 – pro-green jobs, pro-reducing greenhouse gases pieces of legislation.”
The Hispanic Caucus looks forward to continuing to find ways of strengthening our Party Platform at the May 2020 global meeting set for Toronto.
The full text of the adopted Hispanic Caucus amendment is below.
Sponsored by Democrats Abroad Global Hispanic Caucus Steering Committee.
Proposed by Will Prescott, DPCA Voting Representative, Democrats Abroad Mexico
WHEREAS, the July 20, 2019 Democrats Abroad resolution supporting the “Green New Deal” twice makes reference to a piece of legislation pending in the United State House of Representatives, 116th Congress, stated as “H.R. 109”; and
WHEREAS, H.R. 109 is actually an immigration-related bill sponsored by a Republican U.S. representative; and
WHEREAS, the Democrats Abroad resolution supporting a Green New Deal presumably is meant to refer to H. Res. 109, a resolution recognizing the duty of the federal government to create a Green New Deal, sponsored by a Democratic U.S. representative; and
WHEREAS, the Democrats Abroad resolution supporting a Green New Deal states there are 103 cosponsors as of April 15, 2019 in reference to both the Senate and House of Representatives’ Green New Deal resolutions; and
WHEREAS, there are 106 total cosponsors to the Green New Deal resolutions in the Senate and House of Representatives as of July 13, 2019,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Democrats Abroad resolution supporting a Green New Deal shall replace all references of “H.R. 109” with “H. Res. 109”; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Democrats Abroad resolution supporting a Green New Deal shall replace “April 15, 2019” with “July 13, 2019,” and “103 cosponsors” with “106 cosponsors.”