* Attention Texas voters living abroad! *
The Lone Star State is no longer a safe electoral sanctuary for Republican politicians. Democrats all over the state are running for offices up and down the 2020 ballot, determined to do the People’s business. However, before next year’s election in November, the Texas Democratic primary is scheduled to occur on March 3rd, and voters will need to decide on which Democrats they want to be their preference in the General Election.
On our podcast all throughout October, we held discussions with many Texas candidates who are running for federal office, including someone challenging the incumbent representative for the TX-28 congressional seat, and seven Democratic candidates out of the ten who are currently running for U.S. Senate. See below to hear the conversations we had with the several candidates – and feel free to pass along this information to any Texas voters living abroad you may know!
As a reminder, all of our podcast episodes can be accessed here (or seen with episode summaries here). We’re also on Apple Podcasts/iTunes! Click here to check us out.
*Note: As the Democrats Abroad Hispanic Caucus is part of the Democratic Party, it does not formally endorse a candidate before a Democratic primary has occurred when there is more than one Democratic candidate running for the same seat.
Podcast: Getting To Know Jessica Cisneros, 2020 Democratic Candidate For U.S. Representative From TX-28
Running for office in the 28th Congressional District of Texas is Jessica Cisneros, a bilingual, progressive Latina and immigration and human rights attorney. Born in Laredo, Jessica grew up in the Sal Si Puedes neighborhood and took the time to inform us about her experience in living near the U.S.-Mexico border, how South Texans still lack adequate health care, the importance of having all stakeholders at the table when negotiating international trade deals, and more.
Hispanic Caucus participants in this episode: Sam Stone (Mexico), Michaele De Rivera (Mexico), and Michael Ramos (Australia). Podcast music provided by Carlos Colao (Spain).
Podcast: Getting To Know Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez, 2020 Democratic Candidate For U.S. Senate From Texas
Among the several candidates battling it out to be the Democratic nominee for Texas’ U.S. Senate seat is Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez, the daughter of a Mexican immigrant and an experienced community activist looking to unseat the incumbent Republican senator. Cristina engaged in a bilingual discussion with us on how her bilingual/bicultural experience growing up has led her to understand the diverse communities of Texas, how more needs to be done to take care of our nation's veterans, and how her experience in working with the younger Latinx generation has motivated thousands of Texans to register to vote. Have a listen to our interview with Cristina to hear more of her thoughts on the issues.
Hispanic Caucus participants in this episode: Sam Stone (Mexico) and Michael Ramos (Australia). Postcast music provided by Carlos Colao (Spain)
Podcast: Getting To Know John Love, 2020 Democratic Candidate For U.S. Senate From Texas
Among the several candidates battling it out to be the Democratic nominee is John Love III, president of the Texas Municipal League and seven-year veteran of the Midland City Council who's looking to unseat the incumbent Republican senator. John spoke to us on the topics of how common-sense gun control is needed more than ever amid the recent gun violence in Texas, the difficulty his sibling and others have had in navigating the broken VA health care system, why it makes sense to reform the U.S. health care system by looking at it from an economic perspective, and he also touched on his experience in leading a project which brought the very first space port to an international airport. Have a listen to our interview with John to hear more of his thoughts on the issues.
Hispanic Caucus participants in this episode: Amerika García-Grewal (Fiji), Ana Blackstad (Czech Republic), and Michal García (Canada). Postcast music provided by Carlos Colao (Spain).
Podcast: Getting To Know Adrian Ocegueda, 2020 Democratic Candidate For U.S. Senate From Texas
Among the several candidates battling it out to be the Democratic nominee for Texas’ U.S. Senate seat is Adrian Ocegueda, a Princeton-educated finance expert and the son of an Air Force father who's looking to unseat the incumbent Republican senator. Adrian spoke to us on the topics of how the perspectives of how various stakeholders play a role in the overall immigration debate need to be considered; an exploration of the idea for the minority party in having legislative agenda rights in the Senate to address partisan gridlock; and the need to keep the American people well-informed to better advance the conversation on issues important to the citizenry. Have a listen to our interview with Adrian to hear more of his thoughts on the issues.
Hispanic Caucus participants in this episode: Amerika García-Grewal (Fiji), Sam Stone (Mexico), and Michael Ramos (Australia). Postcast music provided by Carlos Colao (Spain).
Podcast: Getting To Know Chris Bell, 2020 Democratic Candidate For U.S. Senate From Texas
Among the several candidates battling it out to be the Democratic nominee for Texas’ U.S. Senate seat is Chris Bell, a former U.S. representative looking to unseat the incumbent Republican senator. Chris spoke to us on the topics of gun violence, immigration, and touched on his experience having previously served in Congress. Have a listen to our interview with Chris to hear more of his thoughts on the issues.
Hispanic Caucus participants in this episode: Lori Smith (Mexico) and Michael Ramos (Australia). Postcast music provided by Carlos Colao (Spain).
Podcast: Getting To Know Royce West, 2020 Democratic Candidate For U.S. Senate From Texas
Among the several candidates battling it out to be the Democratic nominee is Royce West, a long-time Texas legislator (23rd Senatorial District) who's looking to unseat the incumbent Republican senator. Sen. West spoke to us with his thoughts on improving our nation's public education system, presidential impeachment, and his commitment to criminal justice reform. Have a listen to our interview with the senator to hear more of his thoughts on the issues.
Hispanic Caucus participants in this episode: Nelleke Bruyn (Costa Rica) and Michael Ramos (Australia). Postcast music provided by Carlos Colao (Spain).
Podcast: Getting To Know Amanda Edwards, 2020 Democratic Candidate For U.S. Senate From Texas
Among the several candidates battling it out to be the Democratic nominee for Texas’ U.S. Senate seat is Amanda Edwards, a Harvard graduate and Houston City Council member. Amanda spoke to us on the topics of: how health care should be reformed so that Texans are not "under insured," how the gun violence epidemic has plagued communities for too long and the need for common-sense preventative measures, and how she would support the Equal Rights Amendment in finally guaranteeing constitutional equality between men and women. Have a listen to our interview with Amanda to hear more on her thoughts on the issues.
Hispanic Caucus participants in this episode: Alison Maciejewski (Czech Republic), Amerika García-Grewal (Fiji), and José Miguel Madrigal (Costa Rica). Podcast music provided by Carlos Colao (Spain).
Podcast: Getting To Know Jack Daniel Foster, Jr., 2020 Democratic Candidate For U.S. Senate From Texas
* Attention all Texas voters abroad! *
Among the several candidates battling it out to be the Democratic nominee for Texas’ U.S. Senate seat is Jack Daniel Foster, Jr., a gentleman from a rural area east of Houston who believes strongly in local communities being the leader in providing solutions to issues. Jack spoke to us on the topics of: how Americans living abroad should be covered under the U.S. health care system, how counties and other local government entities could be a major economic engine if adequate and consistent investments were made on the local level, and how Texas' Latino families and indeed all Texan families would be part of his "Cycle of Return" plan that he is encouraging lawmakers to adopt. Have a listen to our interview with Jack to hear more on his thoughts on the issues.
Hispanic Caucus participants in this episode: Amerika García-Grewal (Fiji) and John Chudy (Guatemala). Postcast music provided by Carlos Colao (Spain).