March 04, 2020

Super Tuesday with Democrats Abroad Oxford

Around the world, more than 13 thousand Americans abroad successfully cast their ballots in early voting and in Super Tuesday polling stations in the Global Presidential Primary. Just over half of those votes were cast at in-person voting centers yesterday! These are great numbers. In fact, Democrats Abroad saw a nearly 50% rise in in-person turnout for Super Tuesday voters compared to 2016!

In Oxford we had an amazing turnout at the Rothermere Institute. Our biggest thanks go out to all of our volunteers, without whom this event would have not been possible.

If you want to read more about our event, check out this New Yorker Article:

If you missed us yesterday, there is still time to vote! We will hold another voting center in Jesus College (Turl Street) on Saturday 7th (10am-2pm)!

Voting is also possible by post and email all week.
